Irish Daily Star

€5BN bill for asylum beds


- ■ Louise BURNE

IT COULD cost the Government over €5 billion to establish State-owned accommodat­ion centres for asylum seekers.

The Cabinet signed off on plans last week from Integratio­n Minister Roderic O’Gorman to move away from the reliance on private accommodat­ion to centres owned by the State.

It is envisaged that 14,000 beds in between 20 and 30 centres will be opened before 2028.

The Irish Times reported yesterday Ministers were told supplying 10,000 beds for asylum seekers over 20 years could cost up to €5bn.


However, it also reported that this could also save the Government “billions” as they will no longer be relying on private accommodat­ion.

The Star reported last week that the cost of accommodat­ion for the Internatio­nal Protection Accommodat­ion Service (IPAS) in 2023 came to over €640 million.

This figure was up from €356.6m in 2022. A White Paper on ending Direct Provision, published by the Government in 2021, stated that it could cost the State between €446m and €672m.

However, the paper suggested just six reception and integratio­n centres would be required.

It also contained detailed informatio­n on costings and how much it would be to abolish Direct Provision and also the figures for building the new reception centres.

There were no costs provided in the new document launched last week by the Minister.

Last week as he unveiled the plans, Mr O’Gorman refused to answer several questions about how much his plan to build 14,000 beds over the next five years would cost.


He told The Star: “The reality is that as I give a figure… We’ll be going out to the market to build and also to buy. As soon as I give a figure, the price is going to rise to match that.”

He added: “It’s really important for us to be able to secure value for money for the State in terms of the process we’re taking.”

He later argued that other projects have shown that, as soon as prices are mentioned, when tenders are issued the prices often rise to match the tender amount.

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 ?? ?? ACCOMMODAT­ION: Refugee tents in Dublin city and (below) Roderic O’Gorman has put forward a plan
ACCOMMODAT­ION: Refugee tents in Dublin city and (below) Roderic O’Gorman has put forward a plan

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