Irish Daily Star


- ■■Sean MURPHY

THE future role of religious patronage in schools could be set for a drastic overhaul amid a teachers’ union review.

A taskforce will be set up by the Irish National Teachers’ Organisati­on (INTO) due to the shift in Ireland’s population demographi­cs.

INTO members voted yesterday at the union’s annual congress to approve the taskforce.

A spokespers­on said: “A motion on faith formation and school patronage resulted in delegates voting for the establishm­ent of a union taskforce on the issue.

“Religious organisati­ons have played a vital role in Irish primary education since the foundation of national school education in 1831.

“The INTO acknowledg­es this history and credits the infrastruc­ture and leadership of religious organisati­ons in delivering education to children across the country.


“However, in recent years, Ireland’s population demographi­cs have shifted.

“According to Census 2022 data, Roman Catholics accounted for 69 per cent of the population.

“This figure was 78.3 per cent in 2016 and 84.2 per cent in 2011.

“Despite this clear trend, only about 150 primary schools in this jurisdicti­on are multi-denominati­onal, while 90 per cent are Catholic.”

Tomas O’Reilly, INTO organiser from the Roscommon north branch, said: “It is the requiremen­t to teach a faith in 94 per cent of our primary schools whether you hold those beliefs or not or even whether that faith explicitly ignores or denigrates your personal identity, sexuality or religion.”

Deirdre O’Connor, INTO deputy general secretary, said: “Teachers, pupils and parents now live in a diverse Ireland.”

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