Irish Daily Star


- ■■James LIDDELL

DONALD Trump has thrown the internet into a frenzy with a peculiar new campaign video.

In this visual, he metaphoric­ally steps into the role of a total solar eclipse sweeping across North America, blocking out the sun with his head.

In 2017 the Republican faced online ridicule when he ignored expert advice and was photograph­ed looking straight at the burning sun without any protective eyewear.

Fast-forward seven years, and Trump (84) is once more causing a stir online with a peculiar solar eclipse-themed promotiona­l video leading up to the US presidenti­al election on November 5.

It comes amid national polls indicating a dead heat between President Joe Biden and Donald Trump for the 2024 presidenti­al showdown, with the election just seven months away from the rerun of the 2020 battle.

Trump posted the 85-second video on Truth Social yesterday, which opens with bold black capital letters against a blazing sun.

While the dramatic score of Strauss’s Also Sprach Zarathustr­a - popularise­d by 2001: A Space Odyssey - plays, it stated: “The most important moment in human history... is taking place in 2024.” The footage shows crowds donning eclipse glasses, gazing upwards as a dark silhouette crosses the sun. But there’s a twist halfway through the video: it’s not the moon eclipsing the sun, but rather the massive head of Trump.

Onlookers are heard cheering before the screen boldly proclaims: “We will save America.” The video ends with chants of “USA, USA,” and “Trump 2024” emblazoned across the screen.

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