Irish Daily Star

Sweden bans reporter (57)

- ■■Sean MURPHY

It said God created man and woman as biological­ly different, separate beings, and said they must not tinker with that plan or try to “make oneself God”.

“It follows that any sexchange interventi­on, as a rule, risks threatenin­g the unique dignity the person has received from the moment of conception,” the document said.

It distinguis­hed between transition­ing surgeries, which it rejected, and “genital abnormalit­ies” that are present at birth or that develop later.

Those abnormalit­ies can be “resolved” with the help of health care profession­als, it said.

SWEDEN has expelled a Chinese female journalist, claiming she was a threat to national security, the media reported yesterday.

The reporter (57), was arrested in October, expelled by the government last week and is banned from returning, broadcaste­r SVT reported.

Her lawyer, Leutrim Kadriu, said he could not go into “exact details” due to the circumstan­ces but said the woman does not think she poses a threat to Sweden.

AN IRISH family’s dad has marked his three years’ Iraq jail hell by revealing fears that he might not survive the prison ordeal.

Constructi­on engineer Rob Pether, (49) has been locked up in Baghdad since April 7, 2021, in a €20 million contract row between his

Dubai-based employer and the

Central Bank of



Rob’s Irish wife Desree, (52) and their kids in Roscommon have been campaignin­g for his release – but he has publicly expressed fears for the first time that time could be running out.

Rob, who is originally from Australia, has begged for help and warned that he may not survive much longer.

He said from prison: “Please help me and get me home. I just feel abandoned. I am sick and worried I will not survive this ordeal much longer.” He added: “I am asking all Australian­s to please write to Prime Minister [Anthony] Albanese and Foreign Minister [Penny] Wong and ask them to do more.”

Rob appealed to his supporters to “do everything they possibly can to get me home to my family” in Ireland.

He was arrested in 2021 during a meeting in Iraq to discuss stalled works on the new bank in Baghdad and locked in a torture chamber.

Rob lives in Elphin, Co Roscommon, with Desree and is dad to children Dylan (30) Flynn (20) Oscar (18) and Nala (11).

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