Irish Daily Star

Murder accused ‘boasted he was like McGregor after KO’


- ■■Alison O’RIORDAN

A MAN who admits killing but denies murdering a mechanic was heard boasting that he had knocked the deceased out and comparing himself to UFC fighter Conor McGregor, a prosecutio­n barrister has told a trial.

The 12 jurors were also told by the State yesterday that 26-year-old Cian Gallagher, who was working on a constructi­on project in Co Waterford, died from a brain bleed eight days after he was punched and knocked to the ground by the accused man. The defendant later described the altercatio­n to gardai as a “pure accident”.

It was during the opening of the trial of Maurice Boland at the Central Criminal Court yesterday that prosecutin­g counsel said CCTV footage would show the accused punching Mr Gallagher when the deceased had his hands up and was backing away.

Mr Boland (36) of Bridgeview Close, Tallow, Co Waterford pleads not guilty to murder but guilty to the manslaught­er of Mr Gallagher (26) at Barrack St in Tallow on November 10, 2022.

The jury has heard that the deceased man was from the Malahide Road in Dublin 17 and worked as a mechanic in Tallow up to the time of his death.

Opening the prosecutio­n’s case yesterday, Roisin Lacey SC, for the Director of Public Prosecutio­ns, told the jury that the accused accepts he caused the death of Mr Gallagher and that their focus would be on the defendant’s intent that night. “The issue between murder and manslaught­er is critical for you,” she added.

Ms Lacey said “an altercatio­n” took place between the two men shortly after midnight on November 2 at Tallow.

She said Mr Gallagher had been working with a constructi­on company at the time and had travelled to Tallow. When Mr Gallagher had finished work that evening he drank several pints in a public house, she continued.


Ms Lacey said that the accused had been drinking in two pubs in Lismore and took a local bus back to Tallow around midnight.

Counsel said Mr Gallagher can be seen on CCTV footage walking up Barrack Street at 00.14 and the accused is seen crossing the road over to the deceased’s side. She said there was no CCTV footage from that side of the road.

Subsequent­ly, the barrister said, both men came back across the road onto the side from where the accused had originally been. “It is clear there is an altercatio­n, you can see the accused’s action of punching Mr Gallagher and the deceased had his hands up and was backing away,” she said.

The barrister said the jury would hear from the young men about their observatio­ns of the accused, Mr Boland.

There will be evidence, counsel said, that one of the men heard the accused say that Mr Gallagher tried to hit him so he hit him first and knocked him out. “He [Mr Boland] was comparing himself to Conor McGregor saying he should be in the UFC and bragging about it,” continued Ms Lacey.

Counsel added: “Another [man] said the accused man said he was bragging about knocking him [Mr Gallagher] out and that he should have been a fighter like Conor McGregor”.

Ms Lacey said the evidence will be that the cause of death of Mr Gallagher was due to a traumatic brain injury together with a fall. The trial continues.

 ?? ?? CLAIM: Accused bragged that he should have been a fighter like Conor McGregor, a court heard
CLAIM: Accused bragged that he should have been a fighter like Conor McGregor, a court heard
 ?? ?? MATCH: Cormac Goodman
MATCH: Cormac Goodman
 ?? ??
 ?? ?? DIED: Cyril McGuinness
DIED: Cyril McGuinness

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