Irish Daily Star

‘Holding bay’ urged for asylum seekers

- ■■Danny DE VAAL

BURQA BAN CALL: Michael Collins

ASYLUM seekers without documentat­ion should be held in holding bays until “we clear them” and the burqa should be banned in schools, a TD has declared.

Independen­t Ireland party leader Michael Collins also said he believes IRA bombers go to heaven and stated the sex industry should be legalised.

In an interview with Hot Press, Deputy Collins declared Ireland is going soft on crime, told how he believes God “minds us from the weather” and said why he doesn’t believe members of the Travelling community should be given a special status.

When asked about asylum seekers, he explained: “We need to look at other countries that have a holding bay for some of these people until we clear them.

“You make sure everybody that comes into your country doesn’t have a serious issue with the law in their own country.

“And until that’s clarified, nobody should be allowed a free run on this ‘GREAT MAN’: McGuinness


In the interview, he describes the late Martin McGuinness as a great Irishman and claims God will forgive all former IRA gunmen for sins involving murder.

When discussing the burqa, Deputy Collins said: “I think we should ban that, in fairness.”

“I just don’t see that we should be allowing that in this country. So, I will go along the lines of the French government.”

He said: “When I was young, we did foolish things. I’m talking about 18 and 19. I’ve never been one to drink too much, but you might be a pint over the limit, but that doesn’t say you’re drunk.

“I don’t agree – and I’ll get shut down for this – in the drink-driving limits.”

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