Irish Daily Star

‘I’ll get my miracle Chevy revving again’


- ■■Sean MURPHY

THE owner of a vintage truck stored at a fire-hit garage has claimed it is a “miracle” that the vehicle was found unscathed amid the devastatio­n.

Deane Motors at Ballycooli­n in Dublin was in flames on Tuesday with a number of cars damaged in the showroom.

Well-known car dealer Nadia Adan yesterday vowed her support to the devastated company.

And Donegal businessma­n Keith ‘Bear’ Gamble revealed that his 1958 Chevy truck which he had stored with Deane Motors is unharmed.

He told The Star: “I have been told that my Chevy truck did not get damaged. Luckily, it was the other side of a firewall. There might only be a bit of a soot smell. It’s a miracle.”

Keith had pledged to restore the vehicle.

He said: “When I first heard the news, and saw pictures of the fire in the garage, I thought, ‘For sure, the truck is gone’.

“However, I then saw another picture where there is still part of the garage standing.


“I was unsure of the condition of my truck, but I knew no matter how damaged she was, I wouldn’t give up on her.”

Keith, from Lifford in Donegal, added: “I knew I’d do my best to get her up and running again.”

The Chevy has been used to raise an estimated €110,000 for charities every year in Keith’s annual Bear Run 74 super car fundraiser.

Ashford Motors car dealership owner Nadia last night released a statement to provide support to the owners of Deane Motors.

Nadia told The Star: “My heart goes out to them. When you see colleagues like that in the same business as myself having such a devastatin­g event happen. you can imagine the stress and what they are going through.”

She added: “The motor trade needs to come together and support these guys as they have been very good to the motor industry with a wealth of knowledge and experience.”

The fire brigade responded to a 999 call and found ”a well-developed fire with smoke drifting across the locality”.

Some 22 firefighte­rs attended the scene, with crews using breathing apparatus as the fire ripped through parts of a showroom for motoring enthusiast­s.

A statement from Deane Motors read: “Unfortunat­ely, our family business is no more. Fifty years to build it, five hours to destroy it. The most important thing is [that] everyone is safe and nobody was harmed.”

Gardai and Dublin Fire Brigade are investigat­ing the incident.

Gardai yesterday told that inquiries are ongoing.

The Star

 ?? ?? RELIEF: Keith Gamble with his prized Chevrolet truck and (above) damage to showroom
DEVASTATIO­N: Firefighte­rs tackle the blaze at a car showroom in Dublin
RELIEF: Keith Gamble with his prized Chevrolet truck and (above) damage to showroom DEVASTATIO­N: Firefighte­rs tackle the blaze at a car showroom in Dublin
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 ?? ?? HELP: Car dealer Nadia Adan has vowed support to the company
HELP: Car dealer Nadia Adan has vowed support to the company

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