Irish Daily Star

Sister real hot for me to have her tot



MY sister wants me to have a baby for her.

She’s chosen me to be her surrogate. Not only do I not fancy being pregnant again (I already have three young children of my own) but she’s talking full sex with her horrible husband.

She’s insisting “natural inseminati­on” is best.

She thinks a baby should be conceived in as natural an environmen­t as possible.

She’s even suggesting her bed, in her house with her watching on in order to feel included. She’s not interested in a turkey baster in an anonymous hotel room, she wants the full monty.

My mind is blown as this has come out of nowhere. She can be very private, and I had no idea they wanted a baby, yet alone had problems conceiving.

Apparently, the fertility issues are hers – her horrible husband’s sperm is fine – but I don’t see what any of this has to do with me.

I don’t like the man, I find him devious and creepy. The thought of getting naked with him makes my toes curl.

But, and here’s the rub, they are prepared to pay my expenses and I’m seriously in need of a cash injection right now.

Like most people, my bills have gone through the roof and we’re in a financial mess. I love my quirky sister and feel sorry for her but do I really have to give her the gift of a human life?

My partner says whatever I do is completely up to me. I don’t know what to do for the best.

Why on earth would I want to go through the agony of pregnancy and childbirth to simply give the child away? I’ve suggested they look into adoption, but they’re not interested in that.

One minute she’s buttering me up, the next she’s telling me that I’m selfish for dragging my feet.

JANE SAYS: It’s wrong of your sister to accuse you of dragging your feet when what you’re doing is thinking, considerin­g and pondering on what could be the biggest decision of your life.

Do not allow anyone to rush you or turn your head with promises of generous expenses.

You love your sister, but nothing gives her the right to pull your emotional strings and make you feel obliged to help.

You are a mother with your own children, relationsh­ip and life to think of.

You’re not a womb for hire and it’s wrong of her to apply pressure when you already have so much on your plate.

Frankly, if you’re not interested in having another child, then tell her you’re sorry, but you absolutely cannot help her in providing the baby she craves.

Tell her you respect her, but you don’t like the way she’s acting.

Suggest she and her man take some time out to really discuss their situation and work out where they go from here.

As for your money issues, check outcitizen­sinformati­ for help.

 ?? ?? TOUGH DECISION: My sister wants me to have her baby but I’m feeling really pressured
TOUGH DECISION: My sister wants me to have her baby but I’m feeling really pressured
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