Irish Independent - Farming



Winter cereals.

Most winter crops have gotten their first split of nitrogen. Wheat growth stages range from 13 to 26 and plant stands are from 200 to 350 plants/ m2. Winter barley has similar plant stands but tiller counts are considerab­ly higher. The thinner crops will benefit from an early applicatio­n of plant growth regulator so as to promote tillering.

Late sown thin crops should be monitored carefully for slug damage as the current mild weather has given higher slug activity than normal. Winter oats have grown very rapidly and the first plant growth regulator is now due/ overdue.

Winter Oilseed Rape

Crops will be due their second split of nitrogen before the end of the month and most will require a foliar applicatio­n of boron and magnesium.

Monitor crops for light leaf spot by placing a sample of

Spring Beans.

Interest in beans has increased with the advent of the three-crop rule, the fact that it qualifies as an ecological focus area (EFA) and the bonus payment for protein. Soil conditions over the past three weeks have delayed bean sowing.

Sowing from now on will result in late harvesting and reduced yield potential. If you get a chance to sow this week make sure that you apply pre-emergence weed control products as soon as possible after sowing.

Where pre-emergence weed control has been missed Basagran may be used (on some varieties) and only after adequate wax has built up on the leaves. Consider a split dose treatment.

Weed control with Basagran is poor on pansy, fumitory, speedwell poppy and reddead nettle. Sow 40 – 45 seeds/m2.

Roll after sowing if soil conditions are good but remember that yield reductions of up to 40pc have been recorded where soil is compacted.

Spring Cereals

The most important factors are sowing into well prepared seedbeds and ensuring adequate fertility.

Soils dry from the surface down so that even when soil conditions look good in the top few inches it is important to check moisture levels at 6–8 inches before commencing work. Combine drilling of seed and fertiliser is still the best option where soil fertility is marginal.

Sowing spring wheat after this week will run you into a very late harvest.

Seeding rates for both spring wheat and spring barley should be close to 12 st/ac (190kg/ha).

PJ Phelan is a tillage advisor based in Tipperary and is a member of the ACA and ITCA

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