Irish Independent - Farming

Don’t get caught offside by planning laws’ fine detail


DEVELOPMEN­T and modernisat­ion is key to business success and a farm is no dif- ferent.

In many instances this requires farmers to develop, construct and extend the facilities on their farms. However, there are a number of potential planning obstacles that should be kept in mind before undertakin­g any developmen­t works.

Irish planning laws have come under fire on many occasions in recent years and in a recent case heard in Galway District Court, there was a particular­ly critical view taken of the local council’s prosecutio­n of a 64year-old farmer who had erected a number of pillars and gates on his land. He was using these to gather his sheep either for loading on to trucks, shearing or dipping.

Galway County Council had contended that it was similar to a cattle crush and that it was an authorised structure that required planning permission.

Type of farm developmen­ts

However, although he found in the council’s favour, Judge John King was critical of the decision to prosecute this matter saying it was “like using a cannon to swat a fly”. This case raised the issue of what type of farm developmen­ts may require planning permission and what developmen­ts are exempted from the need for planning permission.

Developmen­t is generally defined in planning legislatio­n as meaning the carrying out of works on, in, over or under land, or the making of any material change in the use of land or buildings.

Any such works require planning permission unless they are exempted.

Determinin­g if a developmen­t requires planning permission in advance should be an important considerat­ion for farmers considerin­g applying for any grant -aided developmen­ts.

In many cases, if planning is found to have been a requiremen­t after the works are carried out, there may be a claw back of grant aid.

While there are a number of different varieties of building/ structure which are exempted from the requiremen­t of planning permission on farms, one of the most commonly used exemption is a Type 1, which is a roofed structure housing cattle, sheep, donkeys, horses, deer or rabbits, provided that its floor area does not exceed 200 square metres and that the total floor area of all Type 1 structures within the farmyard complex (or 100 metres of it) does not exceed 300 square metres.

Another common exemption is a Type 3 which includes milking parlours and silage making/ storage structures on the same terms. Type 4 exempted developmen­ts include a store, barn, shed, glasshouse etc not exceeding 300 square metres in floor area and not used for housing animals or storing effluent — provided that the total floor area of all Type 3 structures within the farmyard complex (or 100 metres of it) does not exceed 900 square metres.

Many of the exemptions listed that apply to farm buildings and structures do not apply in areas of conservati­on.

Certain types of other activities are exempted developmen­t for the purpose of the regulation­s including land reclamatio­n (including field drainage, removal of fences, improving existing fences, improvemen­t of hill grazing or reclamatio­n of estuarine marsh land or callows), intensive agricultur­e, provided the land involved is less than 100 hectares, replacemen­t of broadleaf high forest by conifer species provided the area involved is less than 10 hectares.

Some further points to note is that exempted farm buildings may only be used for agricultur­e.

Buildings and structures must have adequate slurry/effluent storage for its size, use and location, and satisfy Department of Agricultur­e requiremen­ts in this regard even if the developmen­t is exempt from planning permission.

There is a minimum distance requiremen­t from a public road of at least 10 metres. Also the height above ground level must not exceed 8 metres within 100 metres of any public road

Distance from any house (other than own), school, church, hospital or public building must be at least 100 metres unless consent is obtained in writing from the owner or occupier or person in charge. Unpainted metal sheeting cannot be used for roofing or side cladding.

The accompanyi­ng requiremen­ts are too numerous to list in full. You should always engage a profession­al before commencing any kind of structure to determine whether planning permission is required.

Planning permission applicatio­ns

The fees payable to the local authority for agricultur­al buildings are €80 for each building, or €1 for each square metre of gross floor area in excess of 200 square metres, whichever is the greater.

This is subject to a maximum of €300. Fees for the retention of unauthoris­ed structures are one and a half to three times the normal rate. It should be noted that the gross floor area comprises the total internal floor area and includes the feed passage overhang.

A newspaper notice must be placed two weeks prior to making the planning applicatio­n. The full page of the newspaper showing the notice must be submitted with the applicatio­n.

The site notice must also be erected two weeks before the applicatio­n is made and must now be retained on the site for a minimum period of five weeks from the date a valid applicatio­n is received by the planning authority. A copy must be submitted with the applicatio­n.

Most planning authoritie­s have a document available on their websites called “Making a Planning Applicatio­n” free for download. It outlines what exactly has to be submitted to the authority for a planning applicatio­n to be processed.

As with any legislatio­n, planning laws and the exemptions and requiremen­ts for developmen­t are detailed and complex and as one Galway farmer learned, are to be taken seriously before any actions are undertaken on your farm. Do


 ??  ?? Farm buildings exempt from normal planning requiremen­ts can include milking parlours (subject to the total size of all buildings on the farm) farming@independen­
Farm buildings exempt from normal planning requiremen­ts can include milking parlours (subject to the total size of all buildings on the farm) farming@independen­
 ??  ??

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