Irish Independent - Farming

Handing over the reins to the next generation

- Michael Keaveny

Farming might not always deliver the desired financial returns, but there are plenty of positives associated with life on the land for the Connaughto­n family, who set up a partnershi­p between Sean, Liz and Donal in 2018.

“It’s not all doom and gloom, it’s a great lifestyle to have, especially over the last few weeks it was better than any job,” says Donal.

“I can play a match in the evenings or mam and dad can go on holidays when they want.”

Liz, who also works on the farm, was also adamant that a partnershi­p was easier to work out with close family members involved.

“It was simpler in a family situation, easier than someone coming in. It’s important to do it right from the start and to write everything down, share work, and make sure everyone is singing off the one hymn sheet,” she says.

Sean believes that having a partner involved on the farm allows for better understand­ing and communicat­ion between them about the complexiti­es of farming, something which can be lost if the partner is working full-time in an offfarm job.

“If you have a partner in a 9-to-5 job, they might not understand the long hours. Having a partner involved in the farm means there is a better understand­ing and keeps things going”.

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