Irish Independent - Farming

Limerick farmers protest against proposed Coolcappa wind farm


A group opposed to a wind farm being built in the village of Coolcappa, Co Limerick, has expressed fears the proposed developmen­t will have a detrimenta­l impact on their health.

The Coolcappa Community Action Group protested in Adare last week to raise awareness about the plans by Ballynisky Green Energy for a six-turbine wind farm. The proposed wind farm, according to the developer, will be “located outside Coolcappa, with an overall height (tower plus blade) of 158 metres, and a hub height (tower) of 90 metres”.

A growing group of locals are objecting to the turbines being erected.

The group cited concerns around the impact of “noise pollution” and “shadow flicker” on their health and livelihood­s, and said they feared their homes will be completely “devalued”.

Local mother Mary Barrett, whose family dairy farm is located 560 metres from one of the proposed turbines, said she and her children are “sick to the stomach” at the thought of it. Despite some in the area supporting the developmen­t being built on their land for an annual fee, Ms Barrett said she and her family are totally opposed to it.


“I’m one of the closest to it,” she said. “My own personal point of view is that my kids are going to have no future here, and while things may change in 20 years’ time, they may want to move away. Right now, they want to continue the farming life. With this being so close, our whole future is up in the air.”

Some within the group have complained they have not been adequately consulted by the developer. They claimed “shadow flicker is a nuisance and effects health, causing eye strain, headaches and nausea, and is a serious concern for people diagnosed with epilepsy”.

They also claimed that 2019 draft planning guidelines state that shadow flicker must be eliminated in line with HSE Environmen­tal Health recommenda­tions.

When contacted for comment, a HSE spokeswoma­n said: “There is currently no robust evidence to show that wind turbines negatively affect people’s physical health once they are appropriat­ely installed in accordance with guidelines.”

Ballynisky Green Energy Project said it had engaged in “extensive consultati­on with the community since November 2022, including a public exhibition, doorto-door visits, and informatio­n leaflets to local residents and advertisem­ents in the local newspaper”.

“We have offered to meet the Coolcappa Community Action Group and remain open to engaging with them.”

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