Irish Independent - Farming

‘Phenomenal’ demand for Angus as mart numbers up around the country


Although the weather was not encouragin­g last week, mart numbers rose across the country. Trade, if anything, was also stronger with managers reporting increased demand from farmers and those needing certain numbers to qualify for direct payments, seven-month men, especially for lighter stock.

Elliott Potterton of Delvin mart was one of several managers who noted that many of those buying cattle under 500kg appeared last week to adopt the attitude that, regardless of current prices, they would “prefer to be looking at them than looking for them”; even if they had to house what they bought until the weather and field conditions take up.

There were also reports that trade at some of last week’s marts was far above what might have been expected given the actual numbers on offer.

On a wet, cold day would you really want to visit your local mart to sit or stand in those conditions if you had no direct business to transact? Not really.

Although marts do continue to offer a place where many farmers who may not have a direct interest on the day choose to visit weekly, if for no other reason than for a cup of tea and a sandwich and a chance to engage with their neighbours.

Those wanting to trade will have found is that if they were thinking of buying bullocks under 500kg they will need at least the equivalent of €2.80-3.20/ kg for continenta­ls and up to €3.50/kg on occasion; if they are around the 300400kg mark, the better one could put you back as much as €4.00/kg.

Dear and all as that might seem, your good Angus bullock under 500kg at averages of €2.80-3.20/kg and up to €3.50/ kg for grass isn’t cheap either, given they wont die to the same weight as your continenta­l.

Choosing to slip back a grade or two on the quality side, you’re still into prices between €2.40-2.60/kg for dairy-bred Angus in the south, with the equivalent in some marts in the west selling to €2.70/kg.

Colour of choice

That said, demand for Angus across all weight divisions is phenomenal, with one mart manager commenting wryly that for many of those buying either stores, beef or forward stock, “black is the colour of choice”.

Among the more forward stock factory and feedlot, demand continues to dominate. In New Ross on Saturday, Jim Bushe reported continenta­l beef bullocks as selling to €1,640/hd over the €/kg with beef heifers making €1,570/hd over the weight. In Kilkenny on Thursday, George Candler reported heavy continenta­l beef as selling from €2.803.20/kg with potential buyers enquiring as to what numbers might be available this coming Thursday.

Among those bullocks were 565kg Friesians at €1,620/hd or €2.87/kg, while 540kg Angus made up to €1,540/hd or €2.85/kg. Meanwhile down in Dingle, Nelius McAuliffe also had forward Friesians who cracked on to €1,340-1,560/hd for weights between €542-562kg, with 570kg Angus making up to €1,650/hd or €2.89/kg — a “serious trade”, as Nelius commented.

With the mart trade very strong for all types and grass men getting into the frame of mind to buy, is it possible that the farmer, who when asked by David Faughnan of Ballymote if the seven 360kg Angus he had bought for an average of €1,340/hd or €3.72/hd might have been a bit dear, replied “I was lucky to get them”, might yet be right? Then again, at this time of year with the blood up,

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