Irish Independent

Techniques to look for when reading a piece of text


The author of a given text will make use of numerous techniques to help convey their message and enrich the quality of their expression. Students should look for these techniques in the comprehens­ion and integrate them into their answers. • Appropriat­e descriptio­ns – the use of strong, evocative

imagery enabling the reader to visualise a given scene. • Rhetorical questions are commonly used in newspaper articles and speeches. They create a direct line of communicat­ion between the reader and author. Rhetorical questions stimulate thought and engage us as readers. • The use of examples reinforces the writer’s position and

lends authentici­ty to their argument. • Anecdotes are used in order to show the author’s own

personal experience. • An author may employ colloquial language in order to make the text easier to read. Colloquial language also makes the piece more real for a given audience. • In order to reinforce a point the writer will often use

repetition. The use of conscienti­ous repetition makes an argument more convincing. • Humour is used to lighten the mood of the text. • The author may use hyperbolic language. This is a deliberate exaggerati­on of actions and ideas for the sake of emphasis.

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