Irish Independent



You are on a school exchange in France, and are staying with a French family. Write a letter in French to your pen pal Annette who lives in another part of France. In your letter apologise for not writing sooner and give an excuse. Describe the family you’re staying with. Tell her some likes and dislikes about France. Tell her that you are going to spending a few days in Paris next week. Invite her to come to Ireland during the Summer holidays.

Looking at this question, the first thing I would think is that I could use a lot of my postcard vocabulary to write it.

Chère Annette,

Clichy, le 10 juin Comment vas-tu et ta famille? Je m’excuse de ne pas avoir écrit depuis un mois mais je viens de d’arriver en France pour mon échange scolaire! How are you and your family? I’m sorry for not writing in a month but I’ve just arrived in France for my school exchange. La famille est super gentille surtout la fille Marie qui a le même âge que moi. Nous aimons la même musique. Hier soir, je suis allée en ville avec elle. C’était super. Il y avait des gens partout. L’ambiance était fantastiqu­e. Je me suis bien amusée . The family is really kind especially the daughter Marie who is the same age as me. We like the same music. Last night I went into town with her. It was great. There were people everywhere. The atmosphere was great. I had fun. En fait je m’amuse beaucoup ici en France. Il y a tant à faire et à voir. Le temps est superbe. Pas un nuage au ciel. J’adore les cafés ici et il n’y a rien de mieux qu’une bonne baguette. Comme tu le sais! Mais les français parlent très vite et parfois j’ai du mal à comprendre les amis de Marie. In fact I’m really enjoying myself here in France. There is so much to see and to do. The weather is great. Not a cloud in the sky. I love the cafés here and there is nothing better than a good baguette as you know. But the French speak very quickly and sometimes I find it hard to understand Marie’s friends. La semaine prochaine j’irai à Paris avec Marie et ses camarades de classe. J’ai trop hâte d’y aller. Nous allons visiter le Louvre où nous verrons La Joconde ou Mona Lisa. Nous nous amuserons beaucoup. Next week I am going to Paris with Marie and her classmates. I can’t wait to go. We are going to visit the Louvre where we will see the Mona Lisa. We will have a lot of fun. Mes parents et moi, on t’invite à venir chez nous pendant une semaine en août. On pourrait venir te chercher à l’aéroport. Dis-moi ce que tu en penses. My parents and I invite you to come to our house for a week in August. We could come to collect you at the airport. Let me know what you think. J’ai hâte d’avoir de tes nouvelles. Dis bonjour à tes parents… I am looking forward to hearing your news. Say hello to your parents Amitiés Laura x

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