Irish Independent

Catholics make up 90pc of trainee primary teachers

- Caroline Crawford

ROMAN Catholics are significan­tly over-represente­d among trainee primary teachers, a new survey has found.

A study by the School of Education at NUI Galway found that 90pc of respondent­s who entered primary teacher education programmes across Ireland represente­d as Roman Catholic. That compares with 78pc of the general population.

Since 96pc of State primary schools in Ireland are denominati­onal, considerin­g religious diversity in teaching is both critically important and a complex undertakin­g, according to the study.

The study is the first of its kind in Ireland exploring the religious affiliatio­ns and religiosit­y of applicants and entrants to undergradu­ate primary Initial Teacher Education (ITE) programmes in the country.

The research, published this week in the ‘European Journal of Teacher Education’, also found that one-third of respondent­s rarely or never attend religious services or practice their religion.

More than half, 58pc, considered themselves ‘a religious person’, while less than 2pc considered themselves ‘a convinced atheist’.

Lead author of the study Dr Manuela Heinz said: “We are hoping that this research will trigger more thinking about the characteri­stics and qualities we are looking for in teachers.”


The authors warned that the prospect of entering a university course and profession permeated by a religious, predominan­tly Catholic ethos, will cause conflict between personal beliefs and profession­al requiremen­ts for many entrants.

They fear this would most likely deter some highly motivated and suitable individual­s who are atheist or non-practicing Catholics or those from a minority background from pursuing a career in primary teaching.

The research found Catholic religious instructio­n received little support, even from Catholic ITE applicants, with those from other or no religious background­s generally expressing moderate levels of disagreeme­nt. In contrast, all respondent­s, from Catholic, other religious, and non-religious background­s, were strongly in favour of teaching children about all faiths, world views and religions.

The study noted a high non-response rate of 25pc when asked to express their feelings about teaching religion. This “may indicate that a significan­t proportion of ITE applicants were reluctant or felt uncomforta­ble to disclose their personal thoughts regarding the requiremen­t for primary teachers to teach religion”, said Dr Heinz.

It also warns that those who come from other or no religious background may experience significan­t difficulti­es throughout their careers due to tensions between their personal and profession­al lives. It suggests that it is time to ask whether it is fair to put individual­s who are committed to the education of children in this situation.

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