Irish Independent

Economy given €9m lift by aviation events

- John Mulligan

TWO major internatio­nal aviation conference­s getting under way in Dublin this week are expected to contribute at least €9m to the economy as more than 5,500 delegates descend on the capital.

The two events lure aviation executives from all over the world, and a huge number of them are top players in their companies.

The two events are the ‘Airline Economics’ gathering that starts today at the Shelbourne Hotel, and the ‘Airfinance Journal’ conference at the Convention Centre that begins tomorrow.

PwC said that since 2013, combined attendance at the events has tripled, from 1,880 delegates that year to 5,571 in 2018.

Fáilte Ireland estimates that each internatio­nal delegate attending a conference in Ireland is worth approximat­ely €1,600 to the economy. That includes expenditur­e on accommodat­ion, food and drink, entertainm­ent, transport, shopping and conference fees. It excludes expenditur­e by Irish delegates and the actual cost of hosting a conference.

There are 50 aircraft-leasing companies based in Ireland, and the sector here employs about 5,000 people, directly and indirectly.

David Swan, chair of representa­tive body Aircraft Leasing Ireland, and chief operating officer of SMBC Aviation Capital, said the conference­s are “further evidence of Ireland’s role as the principal global location for aircraft-leasing companies”.

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