Irish Independent

NCH team sent a researcher to Australia on fact-finding mission

- Laura Larkin

THE team leading the developmen­t of the National Children’s Hospital sent a person to Australia on a fact-finding mission amid concerns about cost issues.

The trip – which cost €4,442 and lasted a week – took in three hospitals in Perth and Brisbane in November 2017, all of which ended up mired in controvers­y.

They were the Lady Cilento Children’s Hospital, Brisbane, Fiona Stanley Hospital, Perth, Western Australia and Perth Children’s Hospital.

In the case of the Lady Cilento Hospital, a report commission­ed after it was opened found keeping to the timeframe led to the hospital opening despite risks to patients.

Ahead of its opening in 2014 – the hospital cost around €1bn – staff issues such as IT delays, recruitmen­t delays and an infection control con- cern due to a lack of soap dispensers and hand gel were all noted in an official report.

The Fiona Stanley Hospital was also subject to a parliament­ary inquiry after concerns emerged about a number of issues, including workloads and equipment issued.

The other Perth hospital that was visited had faced a threeyear delay before finally being opened. This had been due to constructi­on issues, concerns about water contaminat­ion and asbestos.

A claim was also lodged by the constructi­on firm that built the hospital.

It claimed the design changed considerab­ly after the contracts were signed.

In January 2018, Ireland’s National Paediatric Hospital nurse director Deirdre Coakley gave a presentati­on to the National Paediatric Hospital Developmen­t Board (NPHDB) about the trip.

Official records show the board noting the “informativ­e” feedback from each hospital and expressing appreciati­on for the “open and honest engagement” with the visiting team.

“The aim of this visit [to Australia] was to look at other major internatio­nal hospital integratio­n projects that have similarly amalgamate­d in order to support the approach and decisions relating to the new children’s hospital design, the clinical service design for specific spaces and 39 clinical specialtie­s, the commission­ing and safe transition of clinical and non-clinical services,” a spokespers­on said.

Official records show the board noting the ‘informativ­e’ feedback from each hospital

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