Irish Independent

Flu death toll jumps to 34 as virus circulates


FOUR more people have died from the flu, bringing the death toll from the virus to 34 this winter.

The majority of deaths were people who were over 65. Flu is still circulatin­g in Ireland, although numbers fell slightly last week. The GP consultati­on rates are highest in children and adults aged less than 65 years old.

Swine flu remains the dominant virus in circulatio­n. Low levels of influenza A(H3N2) and B continue to circulate.

Flu will continue to circulate in the community for at least the next four weeks.

Preliminar­y results from Canada and Hong Kong, where influenza A(H1N1) pdm09 is the dominant circulatin­g virus, indicate good flu vaccine effectiven­ess.

The highest hospitalis­ation rates continue to be seen in those under five.

To date this season, 1,672 hospitalis­ed confirmed flu cases have been reported.

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