Irish Independent

Heads spinning in press pool after

- Dominic Nicholls LONDON

BEING part of the press pool to interview Donald Trump is an exhilarati­ng and bewilderin­g experience. All questions posed to him are answered – just not in the correct order.

As soon as he started, Mr Trump was machine-gunning answers, and controvers­y, around the room.

He said there was a “tremendous spirit” around Nato, “except for one country”. France perhaps?

“President Macron said Nato was brain-dead,” Mr Trump said. “I think that’s very insulting... a very, very nasty statement.”

Talk then moved to the British general election. “I have no thoughts on it,” he said. “I don’t want to complicate it.” Next he treated us to a roller-coaster ride through US political campaigns. “I’ve won a lot of elections for a lot of people,” he suddenly threw out. “North Carolina... Kentucky... Louisiana... good guy, popular governor...” my head was spinning, “... Kansas... I’ve won virtually every race,” he said.

He finally wheeled back to Britain and something I recognised. “But this is a different country,” he said.

My hopes soared that we were going to get an actual comment about the election.

But no: “... and, I say often, in Germany they like Obama because he gave the ship away.” What, wait, what ship?

“I’ll stay out of the election. I was a fan of Brexit, I called it the day before. I think Boris is very capable and will do a great job.”

I was desperate to get the conversati­on back on to some

‘ I was a fan of Brexit... I think Boris is very capable and will do a great job’

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