Irish Independent

Fraudster is ‘like Dunnes – branches everywhere’

- Gordon Deegan

AN ONLINE fraudster who has duped music fans around the country out of their money over non-existent concert tickets has a “Dunnes Stores-size business”, a judge said.

Judge Patrick Durcan made his comment at Ennis District Court where Aaron Moran (31) entered a guilty plea after duping Wayne Preston out of €240 for non-existent tickets for a Fleetwood Mac concert last February 7.

In September, Moran – of Rose Cottage, Turnpike, Ennis, Co Clare – was jailed for four months at Cork District Court for duping a Cork music fan out of €1,000 for four Electric Picnic tickets.

This was days after an appearance at Ennis District Court where Moran pleaded guilty to duping 26 music fans out of almost €8,000 for non-existent tickets for the Electric Picnic, Ariana Grande and Hugh Jackman.

Moran escaped jail for those offences when receiving a probation bond from a visiting judge.

After hearing of Moran’s latest victim, Judge Durcan said that Moran “has a very big business – a national enterprise”.

He added: “This is no cottage industry. This is a fella, he is like Dunnes Stores – branches everywhere.”

Judge Durcan said that there was one way of stamping it out and prison was the answer.

Garda Inspector Michelle Moloney said that Moran has 36 previous conviction­s “and a lot relate to deception”.

Judge Durcan told Moran: “Your behaviour is absolutely despicable.”

However, the judge stopped short of imposing an immediate prison term and instead gave him a six-month suspended term.

 ??  ?? Scam: Nonexisten­t tickets were sold for Fleetwood Mac
Scam: Nonexisten­t tickets were sold for Fleetwood Mac

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