Irish Independent

Man told ex-partner to drop charges or her child and family would ‘get it’

- Isabel Hayes

A MAN ordered his former partner to leave the country or her entire family would be shot, in an attempt to prevent her giving evidence in an assault case against him, a court heard.

Noel McCabe (25) is currently serving a six-and-a-halfyear sentence for a number of offences, including assaulting his former partner and violent disorder.

Sergeant Adrian Mulligan told Dublin Circuit Criminal Court yesterday that after McCabe was charged with two counts of assaulting his former partner in March and April 2018, he went on to make threats against her.

McCabe, of Sandyhill Gardens, Sillogue Road, Ballymun, Dublin, pleaded guilty to obstructin­g the course of justice by intimidati­ng a witness in June 2018.

The court heard that the victim had been in a relationsh­ip with McCabe for 18 months, which she described in a victim impact statement as a “nightmare”.

The relationsh­ip ended after McCabe was charged with assaulting her, but she then started receiving phone calls from him and other unknown numbers, Sgt Mulligan said.

In one phone call, a man who claimed he wasn’t McCabe told her she had a week to leave the country or her whole family – including her daughter – would be shot.

In another call, McCabe asked her to drop the assault charges. She received another call saying she had 24 hours to leave the country or her family would “get it”.

A Garda investigat­ion identified a phone number used to make the calls and the details of the top-ups. One of the topups was made at a Londis shop on Parkgate Street beside the Criminal Courts of Justice on a day McCabe was due in court. McCabe was seen on CCTV footage buying a mobile top-up in the Londis shop on that date.

He initially denied making any threats and was “angry” at the thought of a threat being made against a child, the court was told.

McCabe had 34 previous conviction­s, including assault, possession of ammunition, production of an article and road traffic offences.

In a statement handed in to court, McCabe’s ex-partner said the threats made her seriously consider not proceeding with the case against him.

She said she was in fear for herself and her family, and was afraid to let her daughter out of her sight.

Defence barrister John Berry BL said his client had alcohol and drug issues at the time of his offending, but that he is now drug-free in custody.

He sought to adjourn the matter for a few months to allow for a number of reports to be prepared. Judge Melanie Greally adjourned sentencing to February 1 next year.

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