Irish Independent

Aid worker (74) freed by jihadists

French woman known as ‘Mama Sophie’ held hostage for four years

- Henry Samuel

A 75-year old French aid worker and a top Malian politician, captured by presumed jihadists, have been reunited with their families after their release along with two Italian hostages.

Sophie Petronin, the last French citizen known to be held hostage anywhere in the world since her 2016 abduction, was embraced by her son in Mali’s capital, Bamako before flying on to Paris. Politician Soumaila Cisse, a three-time presidenti­al candidate and former opposition leader, was also hugged by loved ones and greeted by cheering crowds on his way home.

“It was a difficult period, but it has been overcome,” said Mr Cisse (70). He was abducted in March this year.

Italian priest Pier Luigi Maccalli, who was abducted in Niger in 2018, and Nicola Chiacchio, who went missing last year during a solo bicycle trip, were also freed.

According to Malian officials, the four were being held by members of Jamaat Nosrat al-Islam wal-Mouslimin (JNIM), an umbrella coalition of al-Qa’ida-aligned groups behind some of the biggest attacks in the Sahel region.

Mali’s government has not revealed the circumstan­ces of the releases, which follow talks with the hostage-takers but Malian authoritie­s had freed more than 100 prisoners last weekend.

Le Monde cited a negotiator as saying: “To free hostages, you have to abide by two rules that don’t change: jail releases and payment of a ransom.” The Elysée has denied any money changed hands.

Ms Petronin, known as “Mama Sophie”, was abducted by gunmen in the northern city of Gao, where she worked for a children’s charity. Mr Cisse was kidnapped while campaignin­g in his home region of Niafounke.

Abducted in 2016, she was embraced by her son in Bamako

 ??  ?? French President Macron greets Sophie Petronin in Paris
French President Macron greets Sophie Petronin in Paris

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