Irish Independent

Police officers join in protests over Myanmar military coup

- Nicola Smith and Roland Oliphant TOKYO AND LONDON

AT LEAST a dozen police officers joined protesters in Myanmar demanding an end to “military dictatorsh­ip” yesterday as thousands of people took to the streets for a fifth day of demonstrat­ions against last week’s putsch.

It came as the family of a woman who was shot by security forces during the crackdown on pro-democracy demonstrat­ors said she was unlikely to survive.

Mya Thwate Thwate Khing, a 19-year-old student, was shot in the back of the head on Tuesday afternoon as she joined a group of protesters in Naypyitaw demonstrat­ing against the coup that ousted the civilian government of Aung San Suu Kyi. She remains in a critical condition in hospital.

“We were hiding because the police used the water cannon. Then we heard the sound of a gunshot and we decided to go back. When we left the place, my sister was shot,” Mya Tha Toe Nwe, her sister, said.

“The hope for my sister is only 5pc. I’m deeply sad. I’m the eldest and she is the youngest sister. We participat­ed in the protest against the military coup because it’s not only for one person or one party.

“It’s for our country and our generation. So, we need to eliminate the military dictatorsh­ip from our country and I will keep fighting,” she said.

Myanmar’s military arrested Ms Suu Kyi and other members of her National League for Democracy (NLD) party on February 1, claiming that a general election the NLD won by a landslide in November had been fraudulent.

Tuesday’s violence saw at least three other people wounded by suspected rubber bullets in Naypyidaw.

Protesters were also hurt in Mandalay and other cities where dozens were arrested. Four policemen were also injured as protesters threw stones.

There were no reports of violence yesterday, although thousands of protesters took to the streets again for a fifth straight day.

“The 2020 election is the first time I voted and the coup happened. They should respect our vote. We did not vote for the military,” said Wai Wai Tun, a 20-year-old university student.

At least 20 police officers in Loikaw in the eastern Kayah marched with protesters as part of a civil disobedien­ce movement protesting the putsch, in the first significan­t defection of security personnel to the side of the protesters.

“I decided to join the protest because I know there is nothing good about military dictatorsh­ip. I don’t want to be the one who helps dictators. So, I decided to join the protest and I will continue to fight until Min Aung Hlaing steps down,” one police officer who joined the strike said. The unnamed officer said locals were now helping to shelter the rebel policemen to help them avoid arrest. MWD, a military-controlled television station, claimed the officers were “fake police”.

Hundreds of government workers, including staff from the ministry of electricit­y and energy have marched in support of a civil disobedien­ce campaign launched by medical workers. The US and UN condemned the use of force against the protesters and demanded the release of those arrested.

Joe Biden, the US president, last night ordered new sanctions against the military regime.

He said he was issuing an executive order to prevent it accessing $1bn in assets in the US. He added that more measures are to come.

“The military must relinquish power it seized and demonstrat­e respect for the will of the people of Burma [Myanmar],” he said.

Thomas Andrews, UN special rapporteur on human rights in Myanmar, voiced concern at reports of security forces using lethal force.

All security forces, “regardless of rank”, were liable to prosecutio­n for any violations, he said.

“I am alarmed at the increasing levels of force against peaceful protesters,” his statement said. (© Telegraph Media Group Ltd 2021)

There were no reports of violence yesterday and protests took on a festive air

 ?? PHOTO: REUTERS ?? United front: Protesters rally against the military coup, in Yangon, Myanmar.
PHOTO: REUTERS United front: Protesters rally against the military coup, in Yangon, Myanmar.

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