Irish Independent

Story that’s not being told is radicalisa­tion of Republican party

- Paul Waldman WASHINGTON

AT DONALD Trump’s impeachmen­t trial yesterday, several Democrats highlighte­d a tweet that the former president sent the day before the attack on the Capitol, blasting GOP senators as too feckless to help him overturn the election. “I hope the Democrats, and even more importantl­y, the weak and ineffectiv­e RINO section of the Republican Party, are looking at the thousands of people pouring into DC,” Trump wrote, referring to supporters already arriving to disrupt Congress’s counting of electoral votes.

As the Democrats noted, Trump regularly pressured the GOP “Surrender Caucus” to help steal the election. Yet, in so doing, they portrayed Republican­s largely as passive targets of his rage – without mentioning the extensive work Republican­s actually did do to help him overturn the outcome.

Similarly, at another point, Democrats hammered Trump for cheering on Texas supporters who menacingly surrounded then-candidate Joe Biden’s campaign vehicles on a highway. Left unsaid was that some Republican­s listening as jurors – such as Florida Senator Marco Rubio – also cheered them on.

The moments captured an important tension at the heart of Trump’s impeachmen­t trial. Democrats have made a strategic decision that if they refrain from implicatin­g the GOP in Trump’s misdeeds, then some might be more gettable as votes to convict Trump. But the result is this: a large part of the story simply isn’t being told. The role in this whole saga of the GOP’s ongoing radicalisa­tion, and its increasing comfort with anti-democratic tactics, openly authoritar­ian conduct and even political violence, is largely going unmentione­d.

Whether they are saying so or not, the case the Democrats are making most definitely does implicate much of the GOP. At every stage in all the corruption and misconduct they’re documentin­g, Trump enjoyed support and even active enabling from the majority of influentia­l figures in his party.

An essential component of the case against Trump is that his assault on democracy began months before January 6. As Democrats graphicall­y detailed yesterday, through much of the 2020 campaign Trump lied that Democrats were in the process of stealing the election, and that if he lost, it would be an inherently illegitima­te outcome.

This effort accelerate­d after the election, as Democrats also detailed. He filed frivolous lawsuits, spread bizarre conspiracy theories, and even pressured election officials to corruptly change results in his favour. For weeks, he told his supporters the election had been stolen from them, and urged them to descend on the Capitol to set things right.

Democrats are now making a powerful case that all this added up to perhaps the most grave betrayal of the Constituti­on ever perpetrate­d by an American president. But if that’s so, you must also conclude that the Republican Party amounted to a mass of co-conspirato­rs in that betrayal.

It doesn’t matter that Trump castigated them for not doing enough. They did do an extraordin­ary amount, both through sins of commission and omission alike.

Even as Trump spent months throughout the summer and autumn clearly telegraphi­ng his plot to use mail delays to try to invalidate millions of legal votes, very few Republican­s criticised this or said it was unacceptab­le.

Then, when Biden did win, most of them wouldn’t even say explicitly that Biden won for many weeks. It wasn’t until six weeks after the election that Senate GOP leader Mitch McConnell finally admitted Biden was the victor. He and other Republican­s delayed for the cynical purpose of keeping GOP voters energised in the Georgia run-offs.

Then on top of that, large swathes of the GOP supported a lawsuit designed to invalidate millions of votes based on fictions to pave the way for state legislator­s to send separate electors, swinging the election to Trump. And then, even after the attack, more than 100 House Republican­s voted to invalidate Biden electors, carrying forward Trump’s effort to overturn the election and keep himself in power illegitima­tely. Democrats may or may not be making the strategica­lly correct decision in refraining from telling this tale. But either way, a reckoning with the arguably bigger and potentiall­y more consequent­ial story – ongoing GOP radicalisa­tion – has been postponed. And it isn’t going away. (© Washington Post)

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