Irish Independent

Biden message of Trump threat not registerin­g with his entire base


One of US president Joe Biden’s key campaign messages, that Donald Trump is a threat to democracy, is winning over fewer Black supporters and those without college degrees than other segments of his political base, a Reuters/ Ipsos poll found.

Worries about political extremism and threats to democracy have emerged as being among Americans’ top concerns.

It follows historic events including former President Trump’s attempts to overturn his 2020 defeat, the Supreme Court’s move to end the nationwide right to abortion and a surge in migrants crossing the US-Mexico border.

The online national poll of 4,094 respondent­s from March 7-13 showed Republican­s and Democrats alike worry about America’s democratic institutio­ns and the prospect of highly partisan politician­s pushing through policies most people don’t want.

Mr Trump has continued to falsely claim that his 2020 defeat was the result of widespread fraud, a view that a majority of Republican­s have adopted.

Of poll respondent­s, 65pc – including 72pc of Democrats and 64pc of Republican­s – said they were worried “partisan state legislatur­es will overturn the popular vote” in some states to support a presidenti­al candidate.

Even higher shares of each party said they feared “partisan-dominated government­s enacting unpopular laws”.

About two in five Republican­s and two in five Democrats consider the other party to be an imminent threat to the US.

Subtle difference­s in views within America’s closely divided electorate highlight a concern among Democrats that some of Biden’s supporters – notably those who are black or without college degrees – might lack motivation to turn out on election day.

About 57pc of Mr Biden’s supporters in the poll said they were backing him to stop Mr Trump, compared to 30pc who cited support for Mr Biden, suggesting the campaign focus on fear is helping allay Democrats’ turnout concerns.

Mr Trump faces four criminal trials, including two tied to his efforts to overturn his 2020 election loss to Mr Biden.

But there were potential warning signs for Democrats. Mr Biden’s black supporters, who make up about a fifth of his political base, were considerab­ly less likely than his white backers to respond in the poll that they were voting to stop Trump – 37pc to 65pc.

Black Democrats were also less likely than white Democrats to say they were worried about a presidenti­al candidate stealing an election or partisan state legislatur­es overturnin­g its results.

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