Irish Independent

Gaelic footballer accused of ‘MMA’ assault on opponent


A Gaelic footballer has been sent for trial accused of using a “mixed martial arts (MMA) move” on another player during a match, causing a fracture to the other man’s knee.

Cormac Goodman (28) allegedly put his legs around the other man and kicked out as they fell, causing the injury.

Mr Goodman, of the Paddocks, Blackhorse Avenue, Dublin 7, is charged with assault causing harm.

The incident is alleged to have happened at Na Fianna GAA club on St Mobhi Road in Glasnevin, north Dublin, on September 4, 2022.

A book of evidence was served on Mr Goodman when he appeared in Dublin District Court.

Judge Cephas Power gave him the formal notice that he had 14 days to provide any alibi details to the prosecutio­n. He then returned Mr Goodman for trial to the current sittings of Dublin Circuit Criminal Court on a date next month.

The DPP had consented to the case being dealt with at district court level but another judge refused jurisdicti­on after hearing an outline of the allegation­s.

The court had heard it was the prosecutio­n’s case that the alleged victim was playing a football match when the accused put his legs around his legs in what was described as a mixed martial arts move.

Both fell to the ground and, as he fell, the accused allegedly kicked out, causing an injury, a garda sergeant said. The alleged victim had suffered a fracture to the lateral tibial plateau and ACL tear, which the sergeant said was a “break to the lower leg and kneecap”. He had undergone surgery.

Reading a medical report, Judge Bryan Smyth had noted that it was a “severe joint injury” in a “young athletic individual” and based on this he was refusing jurisdicti­on to deal with the case.

The court had also previously heard Mr Goodman would be pleading not guilty to the charge, which is under Section 3 of the Non-Fatal Offences Against the Person Act.

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