Irish Independent

Just one in every four deportatio­n cases likely to be successful amid high rates of litigation

Mounting concern over efficiency of the process


The Department of Justice said deportatio­ns in Ireland were “highly litigious”, with one asylum-seeker having to be flown back to Dublin after injunction proceeding­s began while they were airborne.

A briefing for Justice Minister Helen McEntee said that as a rule of thumb, only one out of every four cases selected for deportatio­n was likely to be successful.

It said charter flights – which the State is planning to resume – were “financiall­y burdensome” with a high risk the aircraft would depart Ireland “with a much lower passenger contingent than desired due to legal challenges”.

The briefing for Ms McEntee, ahead of a meeting of the EU’s Justice and Home Affairs Council last autumn, said each charter flight was likely to cost around €350,000 for a long-haul trip.

It said: “Actual deportatio­ns are carried out as a measure of last resort when the persons concerned have not removed themselves from the State or engaged with the Internatio­nal Office for Migration (IOM) to avail of assisted voluntary return measures.”

The briefing said Ireland was not a member of Frontex, the EU agency for border management, and therefore its charter aircraft would not land in Dublin.

It said Ireland could fly failed applicants for internatio­nal protection to a city in Europe where a Frontex flight was leaving, but that realistica­lly Ireland required its own means for larger-scale deportatio­n operations.

The informatio­n paper also spoke of how the deportatio­n process was “highly litigious” and legal challenges could and were being made right up until the point the person departs the State.

“In one case this year, an individual secured injunction proceeding­s as his plane departed and the State was required to fly him back,” said the briefing.

It said there were also difficulti­es in getting cooperatio­n from “receiving states”, that is the country to which a deportee was being returned.

It cited a long list of nations where there were such problems, including Nigeria, Russia, Pakistan, Algeria, Morocco and Egypt.

The briefing said: “Reasons vary, including pandemic-related issues, dysfunctio­nal administra­tive capacities, and outright unwillingn­ess to cooperate.”

Ms McEntee was told this was forcing a rethink at EU level on whether the deportatio­n process was an adequate solution to returning individual­s to their country of origin. “The main difficulty Ireland experience­s is in securing travel documents so that individual­s can be permitted on flights and removed.

“It is the case that some embassies can be slow to cooperate,” said the document.

It said so-called “voluntary return” seemed to be a more straightfo­rward alternativ­e and that assistance and resettleme­nt grants were offered as “an enticement to engage with the process”.

The briefing also provided figures on how deportatio­n had been ramped up following Covid-19. With a moratorium in place due to the pandemic, the number of orders dropped significan­tly.

But by 2022, there were 528 signed and 118 actual removals while in the first 10 months of last year, there were 713 orders signed off on and 57 deportatio­ns carried out.

The briefing said in 2022, 20 deportatio­ns had been to Nigeria, 18 to Pakistan, 14 to Albania and 13 to Georgia.

Of deportatio­ns that took place up to the end of October last year, eight were to South Africa, seven each to Brazil and Georgia and six to Pakistan.

Asked about the records, a spokesman for the Department of Justice said: “Working to ensure that an effective returns process is in place is a key focus in discussion­s on migration management at EU level.

“As the notes set out, deportatio­ns and assisted return programmes form an important part of the immigratio­n system in Ireland, and their role is set to continue to grow in line with the expansion in processing of internatio­nal protection applicatio­ns.”

‘Legal challenges could and were being made right up until the point the person departs the State’

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