Irish Independent

We must press the reset button on war before our worst fears are realised


Has the rubicon been crossed with Iran’s attack on Israel? While tensions have definitely increased since October 7, Israel’s attack on the Iranian embassy in Damascus was the precursor for what happened on Saturday night.

The world, and especially the Middle East, is on the precipice of an all-out war, one that will engage the biggest and most powerful countries.

Iran has for decades funded its terrorist proxies in Lebanon, Gaza and Yemen. It has also supplied Russia with drones and ballistic missiles that have been used against Ukraine.

Iran’s support base, and its use of the Republican Guard, eliminates dissent by whatever means. And, like Russia, North Korea and Belarus, its actions have made it a pariah on the internatio­nal stage.

Sadly, what’s happening within Israel is mirroring that of Iran. Israel is governed by extremist ideologues who care not one whit for the suffering they are causing to their fellow human beings.

Both countries are intent on wiping each other out, come what may.

It’s a sad state of affairs that the extremists have now taken centre stage when diplomacy and cool heads should prevail. When will these people sate their need for more bloodshed?

I remember watching a 1970 series, The World at War, and thinking how terrifying it must have been when the Nazi war machine spread like a virus across Europe. and ended up destroying so many lives – thanks to the recklessne­ss and narcissism of one man. There is no one side versus another, no one population over another. There is only respect, kindness and love for our fellow man. But this barrier is apparently too difficult for some to cross.

We must find a way forward and press the reset button before we face our worst fears and nightmares – because that is too horrific to even contemplat­e.

Christy Galligan

Letterkenn­y, Co Donegal

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