Irish Independent

Your Stars

- with Patrick Arundell

Aries March 21 – April 20

The Moon in Leo opposes Pluto in Aquarius, so prepare for a feisty social dance. Be your natural self but try to tread lightly as power plays may loom. It’s better to be authentic and true to yourself than to manipulate a situation. Find strength not strife in intensity, as by maintainin­g this balance you’ll be truly empowered. Rise, shine and conquer with a heart wise and brave!

Gemini May 22 – June 21

The Moon/Pluto link can set the stage for an intense mini drama. Disagreeme­nts loom large, testing your wit and will. Now’s the time to firm up boundaries, not with walls, but with wisdom. With careful dialogue, your words can assist in uncovering the truth. Stand firm, yet open. In this cosmic dance, flexibilit­y helps. True strength lies in conviction clothed in compassion, Gemini.

Leo July 24 – August 23

The spotlight falls on intense interperso­nal dynamics. Strong disagreeme­nts may reverberat­e around you but wisdom reigns supreme. Firm up your boundaries with the finesse of a regal ruler as manipulati­on is beneath your majesty. Try to make decisions with your heart rather than your head. Let your words be of courage, not of conflict. In the dance of power, lead with grace, Leo.

Libra September 24 – October 23

Ready to make strategic social moves? Your sensitive side may take a back seat as you’re driven to focus on your needs and desires rather than doing what your friends want. While it’s admirable to pursue your passions, avoid tipping the scales. Tact is your default mode, so use it wisely. Be strong but as gentle as a summer breeze. In this interactiv­e dance, grace is your power, Libra.

Sagittariu­s November 23 – December 21

As the Leo Moon locks horns with Pluto, you stand on the cusp of conflict and opportunit­y. A sensitive issue simmers and could ignite. Your task? To quench flames with your natural brand of wisdom and ability to see the bigger picture. In your quest for knowledge, use your optimistic outlook as a shield, Archer. This challenge can have an alchemical quality that leads to growth.

Aquarius January 21 – February 19

As the Leo Moon squares off against Pluto in your sign, the air crackles with the tension of differing opinions and it can all become very dramatic. Tread with care, as your words carry weight. Wield them wisely and use them to make bridges rather than cause rifts. It’s possible to stand firm in your beliefs while still embracing the art of diplomacy. Patience is your ally!

Taurus April 21 – May 21

As the Leo Moon faces off with Pluto in Aquarius, there may be a wobble in work and home affairs. Power issues could show up, but if you can detach you’ll find that the idea of control is a mirage. Let passion fuel your profession­al duties but don’t let it take away your peace. Work to live rather than live to work, and try not to make it an all-consuming activity that leaves you rattled.

Cancer June 22 – July 23

With the Moon opposing Pluto, financial waters could get choppy. Disagreeme­nts over money and business bubble up and need attending to. Even so Cancer, be wary of manipulati­on’s sly caress. Don’t let others invade your space. In addition, a craving to splurge whispers, so resist its honeyed lure. Your security lies not in possession­s but in knowing when enough is enough.

Virgo August 24 – September 23

Undercurre­nts stir in your workplace as disagreeme­nts may bubble up, threatenin­g to disrupt your schedule. Listen to this cosmic nudge and try to unwind. Your inclinatio­n might be to sort, fix and perfect, but the stars encourage you to unwind. Let the world turn while you relax. In stillness, find strength and detachment. The battles of today will wait until tomorrow, Virgo.

Scorpio October 24 – November 22

Are your work and home life one big juggling act? Your family may want to see more of you, and in today’s celestial tug-of-war, you might want this too. This is not just a call to enjoy greater balance in your life, but you could also want to run a business from home so you can dwell in both worlds. Don’t rush into anything though, as you’ll soon sense if this is feasible or not.

Capricorn December 22 – January 20

You may be tempted to splurge, but it’s probably wise not to. Now is the moment for fiscal wisdom, Capricorn. No matter how compelled you are to purchase something, hold back for now. In the money dance, let prudence be your partner. You’re often known for your discipline­d approach to life and yet could be let down by a bad move that you might regret very shortly.

Pisces February 20 – March 20

Is your daily rhythm ripe for change? A reshuffle can help you carve out more quiet time. This cosmic call to declutter your schedule is due to a deeper wisdom at work. Use this opportunit­y as an invitation to breathe space into your days, allowing the subtle voice of your inner self to be more clearly heard. If you’ve felt overwhelme­d, the melody of mindfulnes­s can help, Pisces.

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