Irish Independent

Reporter Byrne to sue Virgin Media after being suspended


Broadcaste­r Paul Byrne has launched High Court proceeding­s over internal disciplina­ry proceeding­s brought against him by his employer Virgin Media.

Mr Byrne, who is the broadcaste­r’s southern correspond­ent, was suspended from his role following a live report he made on the afternoon of February 9 last concerning the death of a young boy in Co Waterford.

He claims that he was suspended after informatio­n he gave in the broadcast, which he claims was also carried by other media outlets, turned out not to be accurate. At the time he had believed the informatio­n to be credible.

He claims his employer informed him that he was being suspended for allegedly breaching the broadcaste­rs News Guidelines and Production Handbook, because he had failed to speak to his line manager about the matter in advance of the broadcast.

The disciplina­ry process, he claims, could result in his dismissal for alleged gross misconduct.

He denies any wrongdoing, and claims that the process engaged by his employer is flawed, punitive, disproport­ionate and should be set aside. He also claims that the process lacks credibilit­y and is in breach of his contractua­l rights. As a result he is seeking a High Court injunction restrainin­g Virgin Media Ireland Ltd, and Virgin Media Television Ltd, from continuing the disciplina­ry process against him.

The court heard that in correspond­ence the defendants rejected Mr Byrne’s claims against them and about the disciplina­ry process. They said that given its role as a public broadcaste­r it deems the alleged breach as being “serious in nature” and informed him that “steps needed to be taken to avoid a repeat”.

Mr Byrne’s counsel Eoin Clifford SC told the court that the disciplina­ry process commenced by the reporter’s employer is “irredeemab­ly flawed” and “should be set at naught”.

Counsel said that as part of his client’s broadcast on February 9 Mr Byrne had stated that one line of inquiry being considered by the gardaí as part of the investigat­ion into the child’s death was that the boy had allegedly been drowned and placed into a car.

His client had cited the allegation after checking it with at least two credible sources, and after two other media outlets had published the same informatio­n.

The informatio­n later turned out not to be true, and Mr Byrne was later suspended on full pay from his job.

The case will return before the court next week.

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