Irish Independent

Putin watches victory parade with single tank

83-year-old vehicle leading Moscow celebratio­n shows toll of Ukraine war


Vladimir Putin has marked Russia’s annual Victory Day celebratio­ns with a single tank for the second year in a row as the war in Ukraine rages on.

The lone tank was accompanie­d by armoured vehicles and saluting soldiers as it was met with cheers from crowds in Moscow’s Red Square yesterday.

As Putin addressed both the public and Russian soldiers alike, the minimal display of military hardware served as a stark reminder of the toll the conflict in Ukraine is taking on the country.

Before Russia’s 2022 invasion the parade would put more than 20 tanks on display, as a celebratio­n of the country’s military might.

The T-34, an 83-year-old relic, has traditiona­lly opened the annual display of military might because of its symbolic role in helping Russia overcome Nazi Germany. However, the Soviet-era tank is normally accompanie­d by more modern fighting machines in a full display of Moscow’s power.

The festivitie­s on May 9 every year pay homage to the country’s victory over Nazi Germany in 1945 and is considered the largest secular event in the Russian calendar. The Soviet Union lost 27 million people in World War II, including many millions in Ukraine, but eventually pushed Nazi forces back to Berlin, where the red Soviet Victory Banner was raised over the Reichstag in 1945.

Since the invasion of Ukraine, the parade is thought to be a key tactic to bolster war morale and send a message to both domestic and foreign audiences – though no western leader attended.

“The Victory Day unites all generation­s,” Putin said in his speech. “We are going forward relying on our centuries-old traditions and feel confident that together we will ensure a free and secure future of Russia.”

He admitted this was a “difficult period” for the country as the “future of the motherland depends on us”.

He accused the “arrogant” West of forgetting the decisive role played by the Soviet Union in defeating Nazi Germany, and of stoking conflicts across the world.

“Today on Victory Day we are conscious of that even more acutely,” he said before warning: “Our strategic forces are always combat ready. We know what the exorbitanc­e of such ambitions leads to. Russia will do everything to prevent a global clash. But at the same time, we will not allow anyone to threaten us. Our strategic forces are always in a state of combat readiness.”

Putin said there was nothing unusual in a planned exercise involving the practice deployment of tactical nuclear weapons in southern Russia along with ally Belarus, as preparatio­ns for the drills have begun.

Russia said on Monday it would practise the deployment of tactical nuclear weapons as part of a military exercise after what Moscow said were threats from France, the UK and the United States.

“There is nothing unusual here, this is planned work,” state news agency TASS reported Putin as saying. “It is training.” (© The Independen­t)

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