Irish Independent

Foul-mouthed Father Jack makes it into Ireland’s historical Who’s Who

- Kim Bielenberg

The lives of the tour operator Gillian Bowler, the Father Ted actor Frank Kelly and Charles Haughey’s spin doctor PJ Mara are included in the latest update to the Dictionary of Irish Biography.

The reference work, first published in nine volumes in 2009, is an intriguing compendium of Irish lives and of individual­s who had a significan­t career here.

Produced by the Royal Irish Academy, it is now updated online every six months and the number of individual­s included has grown to 11,000.

To be added to the dictionary, the individual has to have been dead for at least five years. The decision to include a person perhaps marks the moment when they become an historical figure.

Some of the more fascinatin­g passages in the dictionary are those that mention less well-known details of a subject’s life.

The entry for Frank Kelly, who died in February 2016, tells how he worked for a time as a journalist for the Irish Independen­t and a travelling salesman for the RTÉ Guide.

At the Irish Independen­t, he was alone in the newsroom when news broke of John F Kennedy’s assassinat­ion — and had to race to alert senior editorial staff.

Kelly was the son of a cartoonist and when he was at school at Blackrock College, his father nurtured his talent as a musician at the expense of his academic work. According to his dictionary entry, this led to years of resentment on the part of the performer.

To anybody under 40, Kelly is best known for starring as Father Jack Hackett in Father Ted, but to older viewers he was already famous as one of the leading figures in Hall’s Pictorial Weekly, the 1970s RTÉ satirical show that lampooned politician­s.

And he hit the UK charts and was featured on Top of the Pops for his comedy monologue Christmas Countdown, based on the 12 Days of Christmas, featuring his character Gobnait O Lúnasa.

He once recalled the auditions for his role as the foul-mouthed hard-drinking priest in Father Ted, a part that made him a recognisab­le figure beyond Ireland.

The casting agents asked Kelly to shout expletives in the most idiosyncra­tic manner he could think of: “So I shouted the required words with wild gusto, slipping into what became Father Jack’s accent instinctiv­ely. They looked at each other and nodded in agreement, then turned to me and asked, ‘Well, would you do it?”’

One of the editors of the dictionary, Terry Clavin, says Gillian Bowler, founder of Budget Travel, is included for helping to create a mass market in Ireland for foreign sun holidays from the 1970s onwards.

London-born Bowler emigrated to Ireland in 1973. She worked for various Dublin travel companies, but finding that they were averse to giving women responsibi­lities, she started Budget Travel in modest circumstan­ces in a one-room basement. She paid a monthly rent of £12 for the office.

She initially focused on Greece, then a destinatio­n overlooked by Irish tour operators. Bowler’s love for and knowledge of Greece was such that she found herself persuading callers of its attraction­s over the phone and tailoring suitable holidays. Her business grew through word of mouth and within three years she had become a tour operator.


As the dictionary puts it, Bowler lured the young, chic and adventurou­s with her cheap ‘wanderer’ packages, entailing flights on elderly turboprop aircraft followed by stays in a motley assortment of hostels, tavernas, village houses and pensions for two weeks of island-hopping. Over the years, Budget Travel thrived among young holidaymak­ers, broadening its range of destinatio­ns until it became the country’s leading tour operator.

Bowler mastered a cheap, cheerful and cheeky approach to marketing. As the dictionary puts it: “Always photograph­ed with sunglasses perched on her head, she projected style, sophistica­tion and fun.”

The latest update to the dictionary also chronicles the life of PJ Mara, the PR man who died in January 2016.

As a close ally of Charles Haughey, he was perhaps the first political spin doctor operating in Ireland to become a household name — and that was largely due to his portrayal on the satirical radio show Scrap Saturday as a lackey pandering to the then taoiseach’s shabby delusions of grandeur.

According to the dictionary, Mara claimed to have developed his skills of persuasion to avoid harassment by other boys at school.

The dictionary records how he performed one of his most spectacula­r turns in the mid1980s at a time when Fianna Fáil was riven by splits. He was reported to have goosestepp­ed in front of a group of journalist­s while holding two fingers under his nostrils to resemble a Hitler moustache. He uttered a slogan linked with Benito Mussolini: “Uno Duce, una voce… in other words, we are having no more nibbling at my leader’s bum.”

⬤ The online version of the dictionary is published free online at

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