Irish Sunday Mirror

Brave teen in Mother’s Day tribute to mum she calls her ‘angel’

Zoe’s heart-breaking letter to parent who took her own life


AN inspiring teen has penned a heart-breaking tribute to her late mum for Mother’s Day.

Zoe Mckell has been praised for opening up about suicide after suffering the tragic loss.

Today she will take flowers to the grave of her beloved mum Emma who she described as her “angel”.

The 17-year-old said: “Most people will be greeting their mam that day with a hug and a kiss, grateful to have her there.

“For me, my brother and my sister though, we’ll head to Grange, a bunch of flowers in hand and teary eyes.”

Courageous Zoe opened up about mental health and suicide on an occasion which is very difficult for children who have lost a parent in tragic circumstan­ces.

Her dad Jim Mckell said: “I didn’t know she was doing it. She had me in tears when I read it. It is very moving.

“I think it could help other kids in the same position – the way she is talking about mental health and suicide.”

Emma Mckell who passed away aged 34 in November 2015, also had two younger children Abby, 13, and 10-year-old Ewan.

Zoe, from Clonmel, Co Tipperary, wrote that their mother’s sudden death is difficult for her siblings to understand:


She said: “For the guys, I think they’re confused… their mam was there and then, on Monday November 23, she wasn’t.”

But while Zoe talked about her heart-breaking sense of loss, she still feels close to her late mum.

She said: “You’re not gone mam. Physically, you’ve disappeare­d, but you surround me in everything I do.

“I don’t believe in heaven or an afterlife but I do like to believe you’re watching me, guiding me through each day. I feel your presence with me.

“Even though you aren’t here the thought of you watching over us gives me the strength to get through even the toughest of days and push on.

“This Mother’s Day I want to thank you, you are my angel.”

The tribute has brought fond memories flooding back for Zoe’s family and friends. Jim added: “She highlights the idiosyncra­sies that she has in common with her mother… little things like the way the would both stick their tongues out when they’re writing.”

And Zoe added she is seeing her mam’s influence in her life.

She wrote: “There’s pieces of you everywhere, but I see you mostly in me.

“I see you in the way I bite my nails when I’m nervous or bored, just like you did.”

If you or anyone you know is suffering from depression then the National Suicide Prevention 24 hour Freephone Helpline operated by Pieta House is 1800 247 247 or email

I see you in the way I bite my nails when I’m nervous or I’m bored


 ??  ?? LEFT TO MOURN Abby, Zoe and Ewan Mckell DEARLY LOVED Emma Mckell passed away two years ago
LEFT TO MOURN Abby, Zoe and Ewan Mckell DEARLY LOVED Emma Mckell passed away two years ago

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