Irish Sunday Mirror



Battlefiel­d 1 Premium Ps4/xbox One/windows Battlefiel­d is without a doubt the best-looking multiplaye­r shooter on next-gen consoles.

But once you’ve played it into the ground, your favourite maps can start to get a bit tedious.

This is where Premium comes in – six new maps along with several more guns, class options and skins. The best of which includes Verdun Heights, a terrifying forest fire surrounded by smoke-filled trenches and bunkers.

Then there’s Soissons, the delightful French countrysid­e covering several miles in a map designed for tank warfare.

The snow-covered rooftops of Albion make for a great winter battle as Germany’s planes and tanks take on Russia’s coastal gun defences.

Premium pass currently includes 11 new weapons with the promise of more guns and maps, with two more expansions in September and December to keep the game fresh. Your move, Call of Duty...

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