Irish Sunday Mirror

By Daliso Chaponda, Comedian


On my ideal Sunday I’d wake up in South Africa. It’s one of my favourite places in the world.

I’d go to a café called Mug and Bean and have breakfast with all my favourite people – family, school friends, even some loved one from the dead!

I’d have a decadent meal of pancakes and waffles and I wouldn’t care about my weight. I’d eat them without any guilt. I’m an aspiring healthy eater but I often lapse. It can be hard to stick to it on the road. You can eat healthy late at night in London and Brighton but nowhere else in Britain.

I’d spend the afternoon writing. I do a few hours every day. The feeling of creating something from nothing, a show or a book, is extremely satisfying.

If I found out the world was ending today, I ‘d sit and write one final thing.

I’d end my day by going to see someone who makes me laugh. I’d convince Eddie Murphy to do one more show and bring Joan Rivers back from the dead.

Daliso’s comedy tour starts in February. Tickets on sale at

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