Irish Sunday Mirror


- Running with terminal cancer by Kevin Webber Kev­g/kevin-webber6

On Tuesday I finished the last of the magnificen­t seven marathons in seven days with my RBS colleagues in Liverpool.

Looking back on what those heroes achieved was immense. While the primary aims were to raise money and awareness for Prostate Cancer UK (we did both) there was an unexpected bonus.

Being in Liverpool brought memories of great Beatles songs to my head, one being Eleanor Rigby. A line in the song became quite poignant “wearing a face that she keeps in a jar by the door” – and that’s where the bonus was.

You see, as I shared my story of my personal cancer challenge, people started to open up to me.

I was humbled that so many had some challenge in their own lives, be it themselves, a friend or relative.

Many had not really spoken about it before so were keeping the mental strain within, not wearing it outside, so to speak. They may have felt there was no one to share that with or perhaps they just needed to feel safe in declaring it.

This led me to think about just how many people out there bottle things up for whatever reason, and that we all have a responsibi­lity to do what we can to help those people.

As each of the seven marathons finished, there was a buzz from everyone, not just for completing a long-distance foot marathon but a team spirit formed by a challenge and often a worry shared.

So everyone walked (well some limped!) away the better for their experience by just sharing something. I hope you may safely encourage others to share something from inside this week.

Until next week,

There was a team spirit formed by a challenge and often, by a worry shared

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