Irish Sunday Mirror

Birth spine chiller


Spina bifida is a condition in which a baby’s spine has not developed properly in the womb.

Experts say a lack of folic acid before and in the early stages of pregnancy is a big risk factor.

The condition, named from the Latin for split spine, develops in an embryo’s neural tube – the structure that becomes the brain and spinal cord. Often it means spinal column nerves are exposed. In most cases, post natal surgery can close any opening in the spine, but by then nervous system is likely to be already damaged.

This often results in paralysis in the legs and incontinen­ce.

Post-birth surgery can leave the child vulnerable to infection. Many develop hydrocepha­lus – a build-up of fluid on the brain.

 ??  ?? EVIDENCE Ruth learns more about condition she suffers
EVIDENCE Ruth learns more about condition she suffers

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