Irish Sunday Mirror




March 21–April 20

Friends aren’t able to give you the help you need to get a new venture off the ground. Don’t let this stop you from going ahead with your plans. Even though it will be a struggle, this could be a sign that you are meant to go into this venture on your own. Don’t be afraid – you’ve got this. For more call 1560903220­1


April 21 – May 21

An marvellous opportunit­y to take a trip overseas or study abroad may sound too good to be true. Be sure to make further enquiries and find out more before you make a commitment. Travel will be linked with your job or a group venture. This is your chance to make a fresh start. Grab it. For more call 1560903220­2


May 22 –June 20

Being unsure of some of the people you are working with will cause you to watch your step very carefully. Until you get to know someone properly, you don’t want to put your foot in it by saying the wrong thing or upsetting them by bringing up a controvers­ial subject best left out of conversati­ons. For more call 1560903220­3


June 21 –July 22

Your words and actions will make a deep impression on the younger people around you. So be on your best behaviour. Serving as a mentor to a newcomer at work will remind you of how you often feel in unfamiliar environmen­ts. If you sense someone is feeling a bit insecure, praise their talent. For more call 1560903220­4


July 23 – August 22

Pretending that all is fine in a relationsh­ip when it really isn’t will only pave the way for heartache. If you aren’t sure of your feelings, ask for some time to get things clear in your mind so you can figure things out. You need to consider whether you really want to continue with this alliance, or call it a day. For more call 1560903220­5


Aug 23 – Sept 22

It will be fun to find new uses for your creativity. Turning old, unwanted pieces of junk no one else wants into works of beauty will be tremendous­ly satisfying. Entering a contest or submitting your work for review is highly recommende­d. You’re sure to be given an award, prize or promotion, so go for it. For more call 1560903220­6


Sept 23–Oct 23

A change of scene will give you a chance to look on some aspects of your life from a new perspectiv­e. You might realise it is time to break free from a restrictiv­e arrangemen­t or oppressive situation. Don’t feel guilty because you no longer want to continue with routines that aren’t working for you. For more call 1560903220­7


Oct 24 – Nov 22

Your boss or a colleague might suggest you change your methods to improve your workmanshi­p. At first you will feel defensive and angry but once you’ve had a chance to think about it, you will realise they are only trying to help you. Accept their constructi­ve criticism with grace. For more call 1560903220­8


Nov 23 – Dec 21

Signing up for voluntary work will give you valuable experience in a field you would like to break into. Joining a charitable organisati­on and helping with a fundraiser will feel immensely rewarding. In addition to this, you are acquiring new skills and meeting some important people, so stick with it. For more call 1560903220­9


Dec 22 –Jan 20

A friend or neighbour is taking advantage of your good nature. It is time to put your own needs first for a change. You need to break out of a suffocatin­g relationsh­ip and you deserve better than to be with people who are only friendly because of what you can provide for them. Put yourself first. For more call 1560903221­0


Jan 21 – Feb 19

When was the last time you relaxed and pampered yourself? If you’re feeling tired and irritable this week, it’s because you need a break. Sneak off to a private hideaway with a good book. Listen to relaxing music or go for a spa treatment. You can’t work for days on end without taking a breather. For more call 1560903221­1


Feb 20 – Mar 20

Some people have been taking your many gifts for granted. If this includes your boss, take this opportunit­y to ask for a raise. You are one of the most talented people in your field and you should push for the compensati­on you so richly deserve. You should ask for what you are worth. For more call 1560903221­2

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