Irish Sunday Mirror



Aries March 21–April 20

You might feel alone when someone leaves you with their burdens. You did not volunteer to sort out this mess but it has fallen to you to take the consequenc­es of their mistakes. Don’t let this get you down and promise yourself that you will never get into this kind of predicamen­t again. For more call 1560903220­1

Taurus April 21 – May 21

A close relationsh­ip or friendship treads new ground. Your partner is making plans that seem out of the ordinary to you. But don’t let fear of change hold you back. You’ll find that it will be fun to experiment with new ideas and if you go ahead, you’re likely to have a memorable time. For more call 1560903220­2

Gemini May 22 –June 20

You will gain support and backing for your creative ideas but you may have to work in the background for a while to get them off the ground. You will find career success in communicat­ions or the media. Your hard-working efforts could lead to a special offer around one month from now. For more call 1560903220­3

Cancer 22 June 21 –July

Someone who abruptly vanished from your past will resurface. It will turn out that a misunderst­anding had resulted in their absence. Because of this it will seem like a good idea to get together to discuss old times. You will learn a valuable lesson from these conversati­ons. For more call 1560903220­4

Leo July 23 – August 22

Even if a close friend or relative objects to your plans, it is up to you what you do. Whether you want to throw caution to the wind and try something new or stick with familiar arrangemen­ts, you don’t have to explain your choice to anyone. Spend time with people who accept you for who you are. For more call 1560903220­5

Virgo Aug 23 – Sept 22

You have set new balls in motion and, although you can’t wait to see results, all that is being asked of you now is to be patient. Hopes centred on your job are about to be realised. A gathering in your neighbourh­ood will be fun and, if you are single, you will be attracting lots of romantic attention. For more call 1560903220­6

Libra Sept 23–Oct 23

It will be easy to outperform the competitio­n. A new work assignment will come with a generous commission. There is going to be a lot of hard work ahead but you welcome this chance to increase your earning power. Your career may be challengin­g but close relatives will be supportive. For more call 1560903220­7

Scorpio Oct 24 – Nov 22

Projects and ideas that were difficult to get off the ground are now running smoothly. People are impressed by your imaginativ­e approach and will want to learn from you. Don’t be surprised if you are offered a leadership role. Use this chance to gather informatio­n. Catch up on reading this evening. For more call 1560903220­8

Sagittariu­s Nov 23 – Dec 21

There are good vibrations around your profession­al life. Relationsh­ips with your boss and colleagues are favourable. Accept an invitation to join a group effort. Working with people who share your interests will be stimulatin­g. You have insight on how to use your talents. New worlds are opening up. For more call 1560903220­9

Capricorn Dec 22 –Jan 20

Your family and friends will work together in a spirit of harmony for a special cause. Group efforts excel when everyone is of the one accord. A community exercise or fundraisin­g effort will be incredibly successful and you will feel proud to be involved. Studying a mystical subject will fill you with excitement. For more call 1560903221­0

Aquarius Jan 21 – Feb 19

You will never get the love and companions­hip you deserve if relationsh­ips aren’t nurtured. Spending quality time together will breathe new life into a relationsh­ip. Take a romantic risk if you want to make someone feel special and happy. Their contentmen­t will soon rub off on you. For more call 1560903221­1

Pisces Feb 20 – Mar 20

The sooner you sort out your priorities, the sooner you will feel in control of your life. This is an excellent time for self-developmen­t. Take this chance to study a subject you love with an expert. Their guidance will help you become selfsuffic­ient. If you’re faced with a big decision, look inward for the answer. For more call 1560903221­2

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