Irish Sunday Mirror

I don’t know if dad will abuse another child but he is still a paedophile

Frail 80-year-old ‘remains a danger’ Victim, 52, calls for public apology

- BY EMMA MCMENAMY news@irishmirro­

FIONA’S FEARS AFTER EVIL SEX BEAST FREED FROM JAIL I want to see him go into the ground, that’s the moment I will finally start living again FIONA DOYLE YESTERDAY

AN abuse survivor is terrified her paedo rapist father will be allowed near children again following his release from prison 11 days ago.

Brave Fiona Doyle, 52, who was systematic­ally molested by evil Patrick O’brien in their Dun Laoghaire home between 1973 and 1982, has also called on him to publicly apologise.

The 80-year-old was released from Dublin’s Arbour Hill jail having served six years of a nine-year sentence.

When asked if she felt O’brien was still a threat to children, Fiona told the Irish Sunday Mirror: “Yes and no. I would hate to think there was a child sitting on his lap and I would hate to think he was at a window looking out at children. As to go out and physically touch a child – no. “Although, if a child was left with him unaccompan­ied – he is still what he is, a paedophile. I am not sure if he is allowed to be around children unsupervis­ed – I’d like to know.” Fiona, who previously confronted her abuser in hospital, admitted she has unanswered questions such as how much he knew about other men sexually abusing her.


The courageous campaigner told how she wants to meet him for closure – and sooner rather than later as his health is fading.

But she will only truly recover when he’s dead and buried. Fiona said: “I want to see him go in the ground. That’s the moment I will finally be able to start living again.

“I will never have to talk about him or think about him ever again.

“Until that day comes I want to meet with him, I have many unanswered questions. I’m asking him now to meet with me in private.

“I met him before while he was getting treatment in the Mater hospital but I was so nervous I went away forgetting to ask him a lot of important questions.

“I just need answers. I felt empowered though after meeting him the last time.

“I would also like him to publicly acknowledg­e what he has done and say sorry.”

Fiona is not sure where exactly he is but believes he is in the Co Wicklow region.

And she admitted she has had mixed feelings since his release. She added: “It’s hard

to describe how I was feeling with regards to him getting out. On the day it kind of felt very unfair in the sense that he now gets out and starts to live a life.

“But in the last few days I have started to realise he’s not going to get to live a life as he’s going to be forever looking over his shoulder as everybody knows what he looks like.

“I don’t think he got the gravity of it before as he was in prison and was protected. He never had to face the public until now.”

And speaking about her past meeting with the monster at the Mater, Fiona said he only really cared about himself.

She added: “At first he wasn’t going to see me – he had spotted me walking down the hall, our eyes met.

“He was in a normal ward with prison officers beside him. He shook my hand and said, ‘I’m sorry’. I asked if there was anything I had said in any interviews I’d done which wasn’t true and he said no.


“He said the one thing he didn’t like was the fact I used the word rape. I said, ‘What word should I use?’ and he didn’t answer me.

“He asked how he could make all this end and I said to him, ‘You can die’. I told him he was not to tell anyone to stop me seeing him going into the ground and he said, ‘OK, just don’t ruin the funeral’.

“Every word that comes out of his mouth is just shocking.

“He said he hadn’t met all his grandchild­ren yet and I told him he wouldn’t be either.”

But Fiona said she is trying to concentrat­e on the future and has just finished her second book.

And she told how it is a lot more explosive than best-seller Too Many Tears.

She added: “I’m currently looking for a publisher. It’s a lot more graphic than the last one but we felt it had to be.

“You can’t sugar-coat abuse. It will hopefully help a lot of other victims seek help too.”

He didn’t get the gravity as he was in prison.. he never had to face the public until now FIONA DOYLE YESTERDAY

 ??  ??
 ??  ?? Patrick O’brien leaves Arbour Hill prison last week
O’brien and his wife Bridget
Fiona, second right, with her siblings
Patrick O’brien leaves Arbour Hill prison last week O’brien and his wife Bridget Fiona, second right, with her siblings

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