Irish Sunday Mirror

We all need a bit more narcissism


mentally tougher and have lower rates of depression and stress than humbler peers.

The reason being is people with narcissist­ic personalit­y disorder are driven by the belief they deserve the best in life.

Getting what they want builds their mental toughness and they’re rarely down because they believe they are supreme.

Of course, narcissism also has negative consequenc­es. Other

Clockwise from left, Donald Trump, Boris Johnson and Conor Mcgregor

research suggests those with it are destructiv­e and volatile, especially in positions of power.

If you live with one, you’ll know the traits – an exaggerate­d sense of self-importance and superiorit­y complex, even without achieving anything of note.

Inflating their own achievemen­ts is the norm.

A classic narcissist­ic Trump moment was when he recently acted miffed when he wasn’t credited for warning the then government to take out Osama bin Laden. The US president last week claimed he made the claim in his January 2000 book The America We Deserve – and didn’t receive kudos.

He quoted a line to reporters: “There is somebody named Osama bin Laden. You better kill him or take him out. He’s big trouble.”

Trump made a similar statement in a speech as a presidenti­al candidate in Virginia in 2015.

Thing is, he did write about bin Laden in his book – but he did not, in fact, suggest he be killed.

Other classic narcissist­ic qualities are preoccupat­ions with fantasies about success, power, brilliance or beauty.

They believe they are superior and can only be understood by – or associate with – equally special people. They often take advantage of others to get what they want and lack empathy, having an inability to recognise the needs of others.

I noticed in my own dealings with my former boyfriend he required constant admiration – and plamausing him seemed to be the only way to stay on his good side. But while we deem narcissist­s monsters, it is a personalit­y disorder.

We don’t deride people with disorders such as bi-polar – rather, we empathise with them and get them help. Maybe it’s time we realised that narcissist­s can’t control their ego.

Despite their over-inflated sense of self, they are succeeding and rising to the top.

I was told years ago presenting on radio that I should inflate my ego slightly in order to be a better broadcaste­r.

Most of us who went to convent schools were told not to get too big for our boots and as a result we have an inbuilt tendency to put ourselves down.

We could all take a leaf out of the narcissist­s’ book and big ourselves up just a bit.

Because without a little slice of narcissism, we’ll just get left behind in a climate where over-confidence is now becoming the new world order.

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