Irish Sunday Mirror

TV Emily suicide bid over love break-up

Jungle star’s self harm ‘cry for help’ after teenage split


Actress bravely opens up

Harry with Cup-winning South Africa stars

The Inbetweene­rs actress has revealed she downed vodka then cut her wrists. Her revelation came after Little Mix singer Jesy Nelson admitted a suicide bid when targeted by online trolls. Emily, 29, who is speaking out to raise mental health awareness, said: “I’ll never forgive myself for harming my body in that way. I didn’t want to die. I just felt so out of control.” She revealed the distressin­g episode aged 15 in her new book Are We There Yet? To Indignity... and Beyond! Emily told how she self-harmed when she split from a boyfriend, who had accused her of being a “psycho”. She said: “I’d do drastic things in order to make him get back with me. “I drank a bottle of vodka and cut my wrists – a cry for help, a cry for attention. “I was spiralling. I was too young to cope with my breaking heart and cloudy drunk head... I woke up with massive bandages on my wrists.”

Her mother Kate Robbins – herself a TV star – was horrified, Emily said.

“My mum would beg me to open up. She started to see cuts on my arms... it broke her heart.

“I still have no idea why I did that. It was almost like a ‘f*** you to everyone, cos I can do this if I want!’ sort of thing.

“A rebellion, I guess. I saw it like I had no other choice.”

Emily, who was runner-up on last year’s I’m A Celebrity, admitted she went off the rails after the split.

She said: “The excited rush of the ride

For fans

ENGLAND were out-boksed in the Rugby World Cup Final yesterday – but that didn’t stop Prince Harry sportingly propping into South Africa’s dressing room to congratula­te the victors on their 32-12 win in Japan.

Meanwhile, Boris Johnson watched the match with girlfriend Carrie’s new rescue pup Dilyn. He’d have been better off pressing paws.

For PM and Dylin was over, and I was just left with emptiness and fear. I felt like I’d been left at the bottom of the Oblivion ride completely alone and it had broken down. I couldn’t see how I would ever get out of this darkness again.

“I’d lost a lot of weight. I was constantly in trouble at school. Bunking because of the bullying, and hanging around with older people doing older things.

“I was always snappy with my parents. I just felt SO sad and heartbroke­n ALL the time. I was having house parties the second my parents were away, hundreds of people.”

The actress backed singer Jesy because she too has suffered online abuse over her weight.

Emily said she was a target for school bullies, adding: “I was getting abusive calls constantly.

“They were pushing me in corridors, spitting at me.”

She turned her life around and her stint in the jungle made her a household name.

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