Irish Sunday Mirror

Talk TV Dark, sinister... and fantastic

Supernatur­al series follows Thrones saga


The broadcaste­r will share the cost of the sci-fi drama, which premieres on BBC One tonight at 8pm, with HBO which will air the episodes one day later in the US.

It tells the story of orphan Lyra Belacqua (Dafne Keen), who aspires to become an explorer like her uncle Lord Asriel (James Mcavoy).

The 13-year-old finds a way to fulfil her dream when she meets the mysterious Mrs Coulter (Ruth Wilson).

But her perilous journey out of the confines of the Oxford university where she grew up will lead Lyra to uncover a sinister plot.

The promo outlines: “This story starts in another world. One that is both like, and unlike, your own.

“Here, every human soul takes the physical form of an animal, known as a daemon.

“The relationsh­ip between human and daemon is sacred.

“This world has been controlled for centuries by the all-powerful Magisteriu­m. Except in the Northern wilderness, where witches secretly whisper of a prophecy...” Anyone think this all sounds a bit like Harry Potter meets Black Mirror? Not so, apparently.

The production has five directors – Tom Hooper (The King’s Speech), Dawn Shadforth (Trust), Otto Bathurst (Peaky Blinders), Euros Lyn (Torchwood) and Jamie Childs (Doctor Who).

It also boasts a cast which, aside from Keen, Mcavoy and Wilson, features Clarke Peters (The Wire).

Mcavoy, who was cast at the last minute, says he is a fan of

Summer Bay baddie Tommy reaches a new low next week. Not content with Irene Roberts being found guilty for attacking him to protect Bella, he now plans to sue her for $1million. It looks like the twisted pervert is about to meet a gruesome end, however, as a radical extremist arrives in Summer Bay this week to mete out her own form of bloody justice…

James Mcavoy as Lord Asriel the books so was fully prepared. The 40-year-old added: “I know that character inside out, so I just hit the ground running.

“I was introduced to the books when I was about 20 or 21.

“I’ve read it three times, I think. I’ve listened to the audiobook twice.”

The supernatur­al drama took inspiratio­n from Game Of Thrones’ epic production and features mind-blowing special effects.

Mcavoy said: “I have a lot of scenes in the frozen wastes of the North and the land of the bears.

“In particular, the light is incredible because the first series is based around the book Northern Lights.

“You are led by our own Northern Lights a lot of the times, so it’s like being in a brilliant psychedeli­c disco.”

The drama also stars his ex-wife Anne-marie Duff as Ma Costa, head of a mishmash of travellers and boat people known as the Gyptians.

She revealed: “She’s great. She’s really fiery and feisty. She is a real lioness, she protects her her cubs. She’s not to be messed with.”

Tommy in Home And Away

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■Home And Away: Channel 5, 1.15pm & 6pm weekdays BAD SIGNAL
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