Irish Sunday Mirror

Labour bid for €5 per week rise in welfare pay


THE Labour Party unveiled its “vision of how Ireland can be more like other North European countries” alongside a €5-a-week welfare hike.

As it launched its economic policy document yesterday, the party revealed it aims to increase social welfare payments, reduce unemployme­nt and widen tax bands rather than cutting the rate of income tax.

And Labour TD Joan Burton accused Fine Gael and Fianna Fail of trying to drag Ireland away from European norms and standards along with Britan.

She said: “Fine Gael and Fianna Fail’s manifestos lack any kind of serious determinat­ion to prevent

another economic crash and they will both increase economic inequality.

“Fine Gael is proposing income tax cuts that will only benefit the top 20% and which will take €2.5billion a year out of public spending on housing and health.

“And at a time when nearly 4,000 children are in emergency homeless accommodat­ion and over 200,000 children are waiting for hospital appointmen­ts.

“The ESRI has said this tax cut alone will make Ireland as unequal as Britain, moving us away from the European

average.” Launching the party’s policy, Deputy Burton said it had used the Department of Finance projection­s of a baseline of €11billion and increased it by €2billion to cost its wish list. Objectives include reducing unemployme­nt to 4% or less and using the €600million allocated yearly for tax cuts to widen USC bands and increase social welfare. Proposed tax hikes include doubling the bank levy by €250million, withdrawal of tax credits for earners on €100,000 or more, a minimum corporatio­n tax, increased Stamp Duty and carbon tax.

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