Irish Sunday Mirror

Gales talk

If you worry about winds wrecking your prized plot, it’s easy to reduce the risk – with a few strategic moves and tree ties, you’ll hold it together


Now’s the time gardens can be affected by gales. So when the wind gets up, be sure to use my 10 fair-weather tips to wave wind worries goodbye.

Stake trees

If your young garden trees are exposed to heavy winds, you can protect them from gusts and gales using stakes and ties. Newly-planted trees will need added support but take a look around the garden for establishe­d trees which may also need staking against prevailing winds. Fix to the stake with tree ties, one bottom and one top – or use old socks, which can stretch so as to not limit growth.

Fix fences

Walk the perimeter to work out weak points in your fence panels. If one goes down, it can lead to others quickly following, which could change the dynamic of wind in the garden too, taking it in to unprotecte­d areas. Finding a weak point before wind hits can save you hundreds of pounds and protect your plant borders from being flattened by a falling fence. Take a moment to stain the fence during dry weather to prolong the timber’s life.

Container care

Containers are vulnerable to wind damage as they dry out quicker. However, their one advantage is that they can be moved out of harm’s way.

Tuck containers under the eaves of your home over winter. Not only will the structure of the building stop wind from wreaking havoc, but the heat of your home will help protect against the cold too. Horticultu­ral fleece – used for frost protection – will help to keep leaves toasty warm and safe from wind scorch.

Tall plants in pots are more likely to be knocked over in windy conditions, so grouping them together ensures they’re protected.

Shake off salt

Winds near the coast carry salt, making leaves appear burnt. Even if you live a few miles inland, you might struggle with this problem in your garden. Eucalyptus is hardy and tolerates salt winds extremely well, as does Artemisia and Euonymus. Just make sure you increase the amount of water you give to plants subjected to heavy air movement, as extra salt dries them out much quicker.

Shed the heft

Overgrown tree foliage can be at risk, as it’s a bigger surface area for the wind to catch. Trim it back so there’s not too much weight in the head and this more streamline­d structure will be less likely to thrash around and break off branches in a storm.


Windbreaks and barriers help to reduce wind speed and provide

Tall plants in pots are most vulnerable, so group them together

shelter for plants. High ground, trees, hedges, fences or buildings can all be used for this.

The idea is not to stop wind altogether with a solid surface, but to reduce the strength to about 50 per cent through a semi-permeable surface – and planting trees or dense shrubs are great for this.

Some plants have natural protection against winds and can also provide cover from any tender growth nearby.

For this, you need to find plants that are strong-rooted so go for beech, laurel, hornbeam, or privet.

Bushy, dense foliage like this will create a defensive screen – and it’s good for nesting birds too.

Vital repairs

Any damage to structures will be worsened in windy weather. A cracked glass pane in the greenhouse can break and cause damage so it’s best to get these taped, covered or replaced.

Check felt on the shed roof. Sometimes all it takes is one or two more tacks to keep it in place rather than having to replace the lot.

Rose rock

Newly-planted plants, especially roses, are susceptibl­e to rocking back and forth in the wind. This causes damage to the new root systems and can slowly wiggle them out of place. When planting, firm them in well and use small bamboo stakes pushed through the rootball into the ground to keep them braced and stuck in place.

Hanging baskets

Hanging baskets are prone to swinging and this can uproot the contents of the basket, causing damage to the plants.

Double-check that these are secured or taken down in turbulent weather, especially if they’re situated near a window where they could swing right into the glass and damage it.

Cover all bases

Any coverings should be tied down to stop them bellowing in the wind. You might have horticultu­ral fleece for frost protection, a BBQ cover or wrappings for garden furniture that need a few more pieces of garden twine to attach it in place. Alternativ­ely, use bricks to weigh down surfaces.

Don’t let your garden take a beating during the windy season. Follow these tips and your plants will be in top condition when the wind howls.

Don’t risk your garden being wrecked by storms
Secure trees to a wooden stake
WHEN THE WIND BLOWS Don’t risk your garden being wrecked by storms Secure trees to a wooden stake
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