Irish Sunday Mirror


Chemo star says ‘there’s no afterlife... when we die that’s it’


ASLAN’S Christy Dignam has revealed he fears death – because he doesn’t believe in an afterlife.

The singer, 60, is undergoing another round of chemo for incurable blood cancer.

He said: “I’m not into the whole heaven and hell thing. I think when we all die that’s it.”

Brave Christy also spoke of his dad’s death from coronaviru­s, adding: “It’s a nightmare.”

ASLAN’S Christy Dignam has admitted he will never get closure on his father’s death – and he wouldn’t wish seeing a loved one die that way on anyone.

The singer said losing his father Christy Snr to the coronaviru­s in a nursing home last month was “a nightmare”.

Opening up on his grief, he told the Irish Sunday Mirror how he never got to give his dad a hug or say a proper goodbye to him.

Christy said: “That was horrible. It was one of the worst experience­s I ever had in my life.

“We are a very close family and because my mother had already passed away my father was kind of the last, the glue holding the whole thing together.

“I had been on lockdown kind of since the end of February as I would be very vulnerable to all this.

“About a week before he died, I started to get a bit frantic about wanting to see him. The nursing home said we could do a Facetime thing.

“He asked me why nobody was visiting him. I was trying to explain to him the situation.

“After I hung up I rang the whole family and said why don’t we all go down to see him and we can stand in the car park and get the nurse to bring him up to the window.


“The nurses were dressed in boiler suits and masks and big gloves and all I could think was, ‘Jesus, he must be bloody terrified,’ as he didn’t understand what it was all about.

“When I got the phone call to say he had passed away, the first thing that went through my head was that I will never get to see him again.

“I never really thought about it before but the whole funeral, the waking of a person, that’s what gives us our closure because we are seeing the person and saying goodbye.

“When he died, within minutes he had to be put into a coffin and it had to be glued so we couldn’t see him. When he died that was it.

“I never saw him again. I don’t know how he was dressed going into his grave.

“And then there are eight siblings and you were only allowed nine people at the graveyard... how do you pick who goes and who doesn’t?

“The whole thing was just a nightmare. It’s like something out of a horror movie. I wouldn’t wish it on anybody.”

Christy, who was diagnosed with two types of blood cancer – myeloma and amyloidosi­s – said he questioned his own mortality after doctors gave him six months to live in 2013.

The father of one admitted he fears death as he is not religious and doesn’t believe in an afterlife.

He added: “It’s something I’m not looking forward to because I’m not a big God person.

“I’m not into the whole heaven and hell thing. I think when you die that’s it, it’s all over. I was born and raised a Catholic and part of me still carries that, but the older I have become the more religion doesn’t make sense to me.

“I’m a spiritual person but I wouldn’t be into religion.

“I remember hearing a great saying, ‘Religion is for people who want to go to heaven but spirituali­ty is for people who have gone to hell,’ and that really resonates with me.” Christy told how he grew up in a house where his mother was religious and his father totally against it.

He said: “My father was totally anti-clergy because when he was a kid his mother used to give a shilling for this church collection.

“He said there were times when they didn’t have enough money for food but she always had this shilling for the priest.

“And then when his mother died they were trying to get the priest up to the gaff to bless her and because they hadn’t got the half-crown fee at the time, the priest wouldn’t come up.

“So from then on he absolutely hated religion.


“It kind of gave us a healthy disrespect for authority and my da taught us to question everything we saw and not just accept things at face value. When I first started recovering from drugs they used to ask us to live each day, one day at a time, and I found that very hard to do.

“But when I got ill there was no other way of living, I didn’t have another option.

“I had to live in the moment as I didn’t know how many days I had.

“It got me focused on what was important in life.

“I was running around for years

His coffin had to be glued, we didn’t see him again



taking drugs and running around like a mad man, trying to work out what life was all about.

“Then when I got ill and when I thought I only had a short amount of time left, the thing I learned was that the only thing that mattered were the close people around me, family and close friends.

“All the other stuff was b ****** t, it didn’t matter what kind of house I lived in or what car I drove or the money you had in the bank as none of it was relevant.

“All you wanted was a bit more time with your loved ones.”

Christy said that between his drug addiction and cancer diagnoses he never believed he would reach the age of 60.

He added: “I never thought I would reach 60, not a chance, especially when I got diagnosed in 2013 and they only gave me six months to live. I thought it was over for me.

“When I was leaving hospital, the doctor said to me, ‘If you have any bucket list things to do or places you want to visit, now is the time’.”


And Christy said he is currently going through another round of chemo to keep the cancer at bay but is unsure if it will work this time around. He said: “It’s just part of the process now, I’m kind of used to it.

“You do be tired, your stomach does be sick a lot of the time and you are very tired. It’s not a nice feeling, it’s gruelling.

“It’s like when you have a really bad hangover and it’s a horrible wet day outside, you just feel miserable.”

But Christy told how one thing he is excited about at the moment is the band’s new single Hold On which is set to be released this Wednesday.

He said: “Nearly all of our albums have gone to number one but we have never had a number one single so that would be absolutely huge.

“I think it’s a great song and we put a lot of work into it, I’m very proud of it.”

The doctor told me to go and fulfil my bucket list


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