Irish Sunday Mirror

Wonderwall rocker Noel’s 9-week lockdown bender


Noel been hitting the booze throughout lockdown.

The platinum-selling solo artist carries on: “I’ve stayed quite f***ing solid, nine weeks – drinking every day for nine weeks.

“It’s like being on tour but actually without the graft. I can’t wait until it’s f***ing over now. I’m f***ing done with it now, it’s beginning to get on my f***ing nerves. You know what I mean?”

Er, I think so Noel… certainly my liver is wincing at the thought.

Talking to his pal Matt Morgan, he adds: “I want my kids to go back to school and I want everything to get back to normal.

“I’m not going to accept a new normal – f*** that.

“Hang on, there’s people f***ing marching in the streets the other day, f***ing quarantine’s done, man. It’s done. I think it’s enough now – enough. The psyche of the nation is suffering.”

At this rate Noel will be giving rock ’n’ roll’s hellraiser-in-chief Keith Richards a run for his money.

Unless brother Liam – who was on the tequila as he promoted new album MTV Unplugged this weekend – gets there before him.

If I were to describe as a ginger blob, I might get a few angry emails. Thankfully, Great British Bake Off host has done it for me. Noel, 47, has created this portrait of the flame-haired one and sold it for £912. He’s also done blobs for the Sex Pistols, and for Michael Jackson – in both the 70s and the 90s. Yep, we are all definitely in the wrong profession. Someone please hand over The Mighty Brush.

Ed, and Noel’s unflatteri­ng pic

Artist Noel

Nice if you can get it, Noel...

 ??  ?? SHAPE OF YOU
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