Irish Sunday Mirror


» Homeless claim gardai move them for making the Taoiseach feel ‘uncomforta­ble’ » Latte Leo strolls by as distressed man opens up on ‘break down’ over stand-offs

- BY FERGHAL BLANEY Political Editor BY Leo Varadkar yesterday news@irishmirro­

HOMELESS people seeking shelter at the Dail back door have been moved on by gardai allegedly accusing them of making the Taoiseach feel “uncomforta­ble”.

The dawn decampment­s happened three times last month and rough sleepers are becoming “distressed” by the repeated early morning raids.

One man who has been shunted three times in three weeks told the Irish Sunday Mirror: “It’s frightenin­g, really distressin­g, and this is just making the homeless even more homeless.”

Gardai were involved in the latest stand-off outside the back entrance to Government Buildings and Leinster House on Kildare Street on Wednesday morning.

It comes just months after two homeless people died within a few hundred yards of the country’s parliament buildings.

And it is six years after the tragic death of homeless man Jonathan Corrie just 50 yards from the front gate of Leinster House shocked the nation.

On this occasion, a handful of rough sleepers were ordered to move four tents and all their belongings away from the area beside politician­s’ offices.

But the defiant small community of five people set up camp again 30 metres away after the gardai had left.

The public square they call home is Leinster Place – located between the National Museum and the Department of Agricultur­e’s HQ on Kildare Street.

The Irish Sunday Mirror interviewe­d one of the rough

sleepers who beds down just behind where the Government sits every day.

Enda is a young man in his 20s, originally from Sligo, who has been living on Kildare Street in the shadow of the Dail for three months now.

He does not drink or do drugs, is very articulate and has been homeless since February of last year.

He was in college previously and he said a mixture of Covid, “s **** y” landlords and family reasons had led to him being on the streets.

The Irish Mirror is using a

pseudonym to protect his identity as he does not want people who know him to know he is living on the streets.

Recalling his latest encounter with the gardai on Wednesday, Enda said: “They stood and watched us this time, it’s three times now they’ve come and moved us, it’s very unnerving.

“But if you stay in the tent they won’t move you, so I was trying to hold down the fort.

“I’ve got comfortabl­e here, because if you get somewhere, you don’t want to leave. In my mind I was like, ‘I’m going to move today, I’m going to move today,’ but you garner so many new things and then it’s just hard to move.”

Enda told how his whole world is now in his tent and that he lived in a shop doorway on Henry Street before this, which was much more dangerous.

The small group on Kildare Street consist of one couple, a man in his 40s and two young men in their 20s.

Enda explained they “look out for each other” and share chocolate and tobacco, while keeping the area they live in clean and tidy.

He said: “The gardai told us today you can’t be near a Government building, apparently the Taoiseach is uncomforta­ble.

“They said to me this morning, ‘The Taoiseach sits in there’ (referring to Government Buildings), and I said, ‘So what, I’m sitting here’.

“‘You can’t stay here because that’s where the Taoiseach is’, that’s

what the guards said, ‘That’s where he sits’. “Well, I haven’t seen him yet. “The first time they came, I broke down, because I had just gotten set up, ya know? I’ll never forget it.” At one stage during Enda’s talk with the Irish Mirror, Tanaiste Leo Varadkar walked past us just 20 yards away. The Fine Gael leader was clutching a barista takeaway coffee in his right hand. And Enda revealed he must make the trek across the Liffey to Connolly Station – more than a kilometre away – to go to the toilet. He recently found an outdoor plug outside a hotel in the city centre where he can charge his phone. A spokesman for the Department of Enterprise and Mr Varadkar declined the opportunit­y offered to comment.

And a spokesman for the Taoiseach, Mr Martin, did not wish to comment.

A spokesman for the gardai said: “An Garda Siochana regularly carry out safety and welfare checks on rough sleepers throughout the Pearse Street District.

“Rough sleepers are not disturbed overnight, except for concerns for their health.

“In the morning, having explained a situation where rough sleepers are on private property, the persons are asked to move on. “On the morning of Wednesday, March 31, 2021, gardai engaged with a number of people sleeping on the curtilage of the property of the Department of Agricultur­e and the National Museum of Ireland and they moved on without incident. “This interactio­n can occur on a daily basis with rough sleepers.” When asked about the comments Enda said officers made, the spokesman added: “An Garda Siochana does not comment o n remarks made by third parties.” A spokesman for Dublin City Council said it “was not involved”. A spokesman for Minister for Housing Darragh O’brien said: “People who are sleeping rough, be it near the National Parliament buildings or elsewhere, are at the very sharp end of homelessne­ss and are among the most vulnerable individual­s in society.

“The Dublin Regional Homeless Executive, Dublin City Council and the Dublin Simon Outreach Team work to provide much more suitable accommodat­ion to people using tents.

“The DRHE has assured the Department of Housing,

“Local Government and Heritage that their Outreach Teams engage regularly with the group concerned and that offers of accommodat­ion have been and are being made.

“Beds are in place and available for use and the Outreach Team are on the ground to work with rough sleepers in getting people into emergency accommodat­ion. “Once [there] they can be provided with shelter and the health supports they require.

“The importance of persuading people using tents to come into the emergency accommodat­ion is widely recognised by those dealing with the medical needs of the people affected.

“There are more than enough beds available for everyone who needs one.

“Resources have been provided by the Department to make sure this is the case – €218million is being spent in 2021 to support homeless services.”

There are more than enough beds for all who need them HOUSING MINISTER SPOKESMAN LAST WEEK

 ??  ?? OFFICE Taoiseach Micheal Martin
STRUGGLE Small encampment in Kildare Street
PUSH OFF Gardai talk to people in tents
SHIFTED Homeless tent
OFFICE Taoiseach Micheal Martin STRUGGLE Small encampment in Kildare Street PUSH OFF Gardai talk to people in tents SHIFTED Homeless tent
 ??  ?? TOO CLOSE Tents beside Dept of Agricultur­e
TOO CLOSE Tents beside Dept of Agricultur­e

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