Irish Sunday Mirror

Madge... and the Cabra connection


THE Material Girl herself is the last person you’d imagine being in a “rash” to buy something as common as flat 7-UP in an Irish Mammy’s medicine kit.

Madonna has always loved getting everybody’s knickers in a twist with provocativ­e snaps.

But her latest scantily-clad selfie went a bit tits up seeing as the main talking point was a tub of Sudocrem clocked on the shelf behind her.

It’s gas because the over-thecounter medicine is – just like the Madonna song – a True Blue.

It was developed by a pharmacist in Cabra in 1931 and called Soothing Cream before its name change was inspired by Dublinese speak.

Madonna’s probably got a right pain in her arse now hearing everybody going on about the nappy rash cream – instead of singing her praises. In fairness, she has a fantastic figure for a sexagenari­an.

It’s priceless PR when a celebrity – even accidental­ly – helps an Irish product become in Vogue.

Yet I feel there doesn’t seem to be a great appetite among Irish punters for putting their money where their mouth is when it comes to supporting local products more.

A good case in point was when they stopped making the famous Spice Burger by Walsh Foods back in the noughties because there weren’t enough being sold.

And it was then only put back on the menu after a huge public outcry with mealy-mouth promises to eat more, which didn’t last long.

We’re all crazy for Irish tea and crisps – but it really takes the biscuit how we’re starved of our own big brands of chocolates.

I think Cleeves delicious 2&2 bar was far superior to anything from Cadburys and Mars.

I might be biased because my father Gerry worked as the sugar boiler at their old factory in Finglas up until its closure in 1982.

Also, we must be the only European nation of big lager drinkers that doesn’t even have our own major label to knock back – with apologies to Harp drinkers.

I don’t swallow the lazy excuse about it being because we’re a nation of stout drinkers. What about Heineken and Budweiser?

We’re good at telling people what not to buy – South African oranges during Apartheid for example – now don’t get me wrong it was a worthy cause, but it’s a shame there’s never been the same

The main talking point in Madonna selfie was the Sudocrem

I don’t know how anybody can buy Heinz without feeling guilty

Fighting Irish spirit in supporting local products.

I don’t know how anybody can buy Heinz beans instead of Bachelors without feeling guilty.

It’s like cheating on your own country when you don’t buy Irish.

We’ve somehow convinced ourselves that the American or British equivalent is better.

There’s definitely an inferiorit­y complex deep in the Irish psyche as a result of old postcoloni­alism wounds.

You can see it at play in our love of English football.

It’s disappoint­ing when you ask someone which soccer team they support and they’ll automatica­lly name a side from across the pond.

The League of Ireland would be thriving now if soccer fans bought season tickets instead of flying over to watch games in England.

And wouldn’t it be great if Madonna donned a Shamrock Rovers top the next time she wants to get us all into a lather with one of her sexy photos?

After all, we need to get Into The Groove when it comes to buying Irish.

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 ??  ?? MINOR DETAIL Madonna and the tub of Sudocrem
MINOR DETAIL Madonna and the tub of Sudocrem

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